Able to EAT Anything and EVerything?
I was wondering if any other banders are able to eat whatever foods they want?
For me, I can eat just like before the band, with exception are tough meats, even after chewing, it still feels tight going down, so I avoid those foods.
I can eat thin crust pizza, breads, pasta, rice, salad, cream based soups, without any kind of dumping syndrome....
I am getting my 2nd fill today and will ask Dr. Vasquez if this is "normal"
My weight loss has slowed tremendously
Banded Dec. 21st 2010 down 20 pounds.....I know I need to make better choices for good health, so I'm working closely with my nutritionist....
Good health to all!!
For me, I can eat just like before the band, with exception are tough meats, even after chewing, it still feels tight going down, so I avoid those foods.
I can eat thin crust pizza, breads, pasta, rice, salad, cream based soups, without any kind of dumping syndrome....
I am getting my 2nd fill today and will ask Dr. Vasquez if this is "normal"
My weight loss has slowed tremendously
Banded Dec. 21st 2010 down 20 pounds.....I know I need to make better choices for good health, so I'm working closely with my nutritionist....
Good health to all!!

Hi, I know I could if I want to. My band is unfilled having just had surgery in January. I am a real rules girl (when they make sense). The band rules make sense and I am scared I will hurt myself if i eat bad foods.
I don't think that lap banders get dumping syndrome - that is RNY. Can you explain what you mean by that?
To explain the "dumping syndrome" .....for me, it was a feeling of being so sick, such tremendous stomach pain, nausea, that I wanted to nutritionist said that all the blood pools to the stomach area, causing feelings of sweating, cramps, like the worst heart burn ever ever....
I'm sure others in the forum could explain it better.
I'm grateful to say that I've had that 1 time, and i PRAY to g-d I NEVER get that again....
I'm sure others in the forum could explain it better.
I'm grateful to say that I've had that 1 time, and i PRAY to g-d I NEVER get that again....
VSG on 12/02/14
Hey Suzanne, I am almost 2 yrs out (3-16-2009) and I still get that way..One day I can eat like a horse and the next I can't eat but a few bites..Go figure!!..I have only had 1 fill, 6 weeks after surgery. 4cc in a 10 cc band..Some times I want another fill and other times I am happy just the way I am..Everyday is different for me...Wishing you the best...Hugs Lucky
2/09 pre. 264.7
214 lbs. Band removal. 4/29/20014 revision to sleeve 12/2/14 243.4
Yes this is normal. You haven't even received your second fill yet. Most people don't have restriction till the 3rd-5th fill. I didn't till my 7th or 8th. I am always surprised the docotrs don't explain this to the patients before hand. To me that is important info for the patient to know. Bascially for the first few months or so (sometimes longer) you are on your own, without much help from your band.
As far as dumping...we don't dump. We can get stuck or PB.
As far as dumping...we don't dump. We can get stuck or PB.
I can eat anything I want and I'm really happy about that .
But just because I can eat all them foods I dont eat them all the time. I stay away from pasta that is my choice for the carbs.
I love my pizza that is my ultimate food and I still eat it once to twice a month I can eat two slices of it .
And my salads Im so glad I can eat them I eat them probably every other day I love McDonald's grilled chicken salad tons of protein and not to bad on carbs . It's so big though I can only eat about half of it .
My weight loss hasn't slowed down I'm losing around 1 to 2 pounds per week it varies every week.
I have lost 38 pounds and 23 inches and tomorrow is my 3 month anniversary for the lapband
Like my doc has always always told me the band isnt designed to make you quit eating your favorite foods , its designed to help with portion control and to help you to stay fuller longer that is it. It has done exactly what the doc told me it will do .
But just because I can eat all them foods I dont eat them all the time. I stay away from pasta that is my choice for the carbs.
I love my pizza that is my ultimate food and I still eat it once to twice a month I can eat two slices of it .
And my salads Im so glad I can eat them I eat them probably every other day I love McDonald's grilled chicken salad tons of protein and not to bad on carbs . It's so big though I can only eat about half of it .
My weight loss hasn't slowed down I'm losing around 1 to 2 pounds per week it varies every week.
I have lost 38 pounds and 23 inches and tomorrow is my 3 month anniversary for the lapband

Like my doc has always always told me the band isnt designed to make you quit eating your favorite foods , its designed to help with portion control and to help you to stay fuller longer that is it. It has done exactly what the doc told me it will do .
A wise veteran bandster once said, "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." I know that's sometimes easier said than done, but honestly, if you are eating pizza, breads, pasta, and rice when you just had surgery a couple of months ago, where do you think you'll be six months or a year from now? Restriction does not stop you from eating things you should be avoiding. I went back and looked at some of your old posts, and less than a week ago, you said:
"Last night I ate pizza, chicken and fries . It was the worst night of my life.
I had the most horrific pain. Nothing helped. I wanted to die! I couldnt make myself throw up. I tried all night. Horrific!!!"
Please learn from your own mistakes, educate yourself about the band (no dumping syndrome), and consider talking to your Nut or maybe even consider some behavior therapy.
I hope you don't think I'm being mean with this message. You said in an earlier message that you've waited four years to get this surgery. I just want you to have the best results from it that you can. Restriction will help by reducing hunger, and helping you eat less, but you still have to choose the right foods, limit snacking (grazing), and exercise. Hope that fill helps, and gives you a little momentum to work your band!
ETA: Here's part of a message I shared with another new bandster yesterday:
Embrace this surgery as a catalyst for change in your life. Too many new bandsters wait for restriction to lead them to a thinner life. I'm here to tell you...Don't wait. Do everything you can right now to set yourself up for success. Follow your doctor's post-op instructions, follow the "band rules", and be proactive about your own health and weight loss success. Educate yourself about good nutrition, set up some accountability (a band buddy, support group, or even posting here), exercise at a level appropriate for your own level of fitness *consistently and progressively*, document your stats (weights/measurements/food journal/photos), and enjoy each and every little victory that you experience!
"Last night I ate pizza, chicken and fries . It was the worst night of my life.
I had the most horrific pain. Nothing helped. I wanted to die! I couldnt make myself throw up. I tried all night. Horrific!!!"
Please learn from your own mistakes, educate yourself about the band (no dumping syndrome), and consider talking to your Nut or maybe even consider some behavior therapy.
I hope you don't think I'm being mean with this message. You said in an earlier message that you've waited four years to get this surgery. I just want you to have the best results from it that you can. Restriction will help by reducing hunger, and helping you eat less, but you still have to choose the right foods, limit snacking (grazing), and exercise. Hope that fill helps, and gives you a little momentum to work your band!
ETA: Here's part of a message I shared with another new bandster yesterday:
Embrace this surgery as a catalyst for change in your life. Too many new bandsters wait for restriction to lead them to a thinner life. I'm here to tell you...Don't wait. Do everything you can right now to set yourself up for success. Follow your doctor's post-op instructions, follow the "band rules", and be proactive about your own health and weight loss success. Educate yourself about good nutrition, set up some accountability (a band buddy, support group, or even posting here), exercise at a level appropriate for your own level of fitness *consistently and progressively*, document your stats (weights/measurements/food journal/photos), and enjoy each and every little victory that you experience!
On February 21, 2011 at 7:09 AM Pacific Time, Born Lucky wrote:
A wise veteran bandster once said, "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." I know that's sometimes easier said than done, but honestly, if you are eating pizza, breads, pasta, and rice when you just had surgery a couple of months ago, where do you think you'll be six months or a year from now? Restriction does not stop you from eating things you should be avoiding. I went back and looked at some of your old posts, and less than a week ago, you said:"Last night I ate pizza, chicken and fries . It was the worst night of my life.
I had the most horrific pain. Nothing helped. I wanted to die! I couldnt make myself throw up. I tried all night. Horrific!!!"
Please learn from your own mistakes, educate yourself about the band (no dumping syndrome), and consider talking to your Nut or maybe even consider some behavior therapy.
I hope you don't think I'm being mean with this message. You said in an earlier message that you've waited four years to get this surgery. I just want you to have the best results from it that you can. Restriction will help by reducing hunger, and helping you eat less, but you still have to choose the right foods, limit snacking (grazing), and exercise. Hope that fill helps, and gives you a little momentum to work your band!
ETA: Here's part of a message I shared with another new bandster yesterday:
Embrace this surgery as a catalyst for change in your life. Too many new bandsters wait for restriction to lead them to a thinner life. I'm here to tell you...Don't wait. Do everything you can right now to set yourself up for success. Follow your doctor's post-op instructions, follow the "band rules", and be proactive about your own health and weight loss success. Educate yourself about good nutrition, set up some accountability (a band buddy, support group, or even posting here), exercise at a level appropriate for your own level of fitness *consistently and progressively*, document your stats (weights/measurements/food journal/photos), and enjoy each and every little victory that you experience!
I dont agree at all why should she avoid them foods ? There is nothign wrong with eating some pizza, pasta or rice .
Yes it has to be done in moderation and how often you eat them foods but to say you shouldnt and have to avoid them foods we need to learn self control and to eat them foods in moderation and how often.
I didnt get the band to say I cant ever eat them foods or them foods should be avoided . I got the band to help with portion control that is what the band is designed to do .
There is nothing wrong with a person sitting down and eating some rice at dinner , or a slice of pizza every once inwhile .
I eat pizza, I eat rice, I eat breads I dont eat the pasta but that is my choice and I have been very successful and without fills . I have lost almost 12 pounds per month since my surgery in Nov.
I dont sit down and eat pizza every day like I use to but I do have my pizza once or twice a month nothing wrong with that. I love Mexican rice and I eat that every couple of weeks. Do I eat a 1/2 cup of it no I dont , I might have three or four tablespoons of it nothing wrong with that .
Im not going to give up my favorite foods just because I got the band. I do avoid the major ones like no soda and things like that , I do measure my foods and I stay withing a cup of food each meal.
The person has to learn self control with this new way of life also , and that is what Im learning. Im learning I can sit down and eat my pizza and enjoy 2 slices of it instead of sitting there and eating 5-8 slices of it. It can be done