Weigh In on this: Should I get a fill?

(deactivated member)
on 2/6/11 8:56 am
I haven't had a fill in about 8-10 months (if I'm remembering that right). Over the last few weeks I've noticed my band is loosening up a bit and I don't stay satisfied for very long between meals anymore. It used to be 4+ hours now it's more like 2 -2.5 hours depending on what I eat. My surgeon uses the "how long do you stay satisfied" question as a criteria for determining if you need a fill and I'm certain I meet it. 

Since my band has loosened up a bit; I'm noticing it is easier to eat -- meaning I don't have to chew everything to death and I have no problems with any of the fibrous veggies that I really like. I'm still weighing and measuring all my food so it's not that I'm over eating. I'm just really enjoying the EASE of eating. Plus I am back to guzzling water (not while eating, just in general) which I also like and really missed. It sure is a lot easier to get my water in when I can guzzle down a glass in seconds.

So, anyway I guess my point here is this: 

#1 I'm scared of being too tight if I get another fill (I've been very hesitant about that since the beginning which is why my surgeon was very conservative with my  fills since day 1) My surgeon doesn't seem to be too keen on the .1 or .2cc fills. He seems to think fills should be a .5cc fill or more; if we need any less of a fill, we should be able to manage the hunger with snacks.

#2 I'm concerned if I don't get a fill I will suddenly start making trips to fast food restaurants to get all my old favorite foods because I will start to think I can eat them now. The fear of getting stuck on fries and doughy buns has kept me far away from those types of foods. This is the big issue for me. I guess I'm really afraid I'm going to start making bad food choices because I physically can. For some reason (thanks, God) for me, the band doesn't tolerate a lot of foods that are slider foods for most people. If I wanted to pig out on chips, it would take me a lot longer to eat a ton of them than I would want to spend, so I just don't. Same deal with ice cream. Salad is about my only slider food.


(deactivated member)
on 2/6/11 9:05 am - Des Moines, IA
Okay, so if after 2 -3 hours you are hungry, what type of snack would work for you?  Are you still losing weight? 

My surgeon did 0.25 fills the farther I got out.  Could you try that amount? 

I like being able to drink as fast as I want.  I can go 4-6 hours with minimal hunger and a snack might be a cheesestick.
on 2/6/11 11:55 am

I am like you that is why I havent gotten a fill yet either since my surgery.  I love that I can sit and drink a good 6 to 8 oz of water at once without getting sick , and I love that I can eat without being to scared that I'm going to bring it all back up .

As far as the donuts and things like that , I know I could probably eat them but I just dont , I just say to myself I cant eat that because I might get stuck and I think about all the carbs that is one donut and to me then its just not worth it  in the long run.  I play alot of mental games with myself .

Now , I do go out to eat but I only eat out once every two weeks or so other then that I cook all my meals at home. , I dont feel guilty eating out but like alot of the girls on here I guess eating carbs makes them want to eat more more and more that just isnt me.  I have never been a carb person or a sweets person.  I got so many sweets laying around my house right now cookies, cupcakes, and ice cream and it dont bother me at all ..

My biggest fear is getting to much fluid in me I dont want to play the game with fills and unfills .

I guess that is a big reason why I havent gotten a fill plus like I said I play alot of mental games that seems to be working for me also so that is what I do .
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

Kate -True Brit
on 2/6/11 3:43 pm - UK

I think this is quite a difficult one! And it affects us all so differently. For example, I have eneer had any foods it is impossible for me to eat (some are harder than others!) , but on the other hand, I cannot swallow tabs and I cannot glug water!

How about trying the snack route for a week or so? Or if it takes a while to get an appt with your doc, make an appt for a few weeks away, try the snacking bit and then either cancel or go to the appt!

I have always snacked!

You say you are enjoying the ease of eating - well, i think that is good! I would not like to be so tight that eating ceased to be a pleasure.


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


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