Lap Band? Realize Band? BEWARE!

Kate -True Brit
on 2/6/11 7:39 am - UK

After I had deleted my post, I wished I hadn't! But as Maria has answered me directly, I am reposting it as I don't want people to think that I was being aggressive.

My post read (may not be identical words!)

Maria, I like you. You are funny  with a  good sense of humour and despite the band not working for you as you wanted it to, you post excellent information about good foods etc. to help people.

But I am asking you - please don't start another surgery war. Give your experiences and put your views when people ask for information but unsolicited and evangelical threads like this just bring nastiness back to the board.


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 2/6/11 3:14 am
Hope all is going well. If you made a graph of the bands, the bypass and other types what do you think the percentages would look like? Any type of wls surgery that is done has risks. Some more than others. Success is better on some. My doctor told me after 10 years I will probably need to take out my band or do another type. I'm good with that because this is a tool to help me regain my control of my life. Get rid of old bad habits.  But, hopefully in 10 years I will have figured out the weight thing!

I am sorry for anyone who has difficulty with any type of wls. It is very true do the research talk to a good doctor. All great advice.

Have a wonderful day,
on 2/6/11 3:31 am - Athens, GA
Sandy I called Allergan's toll free number for the band and asked about if it ever needs to be removed prior to my surgery and they told me "NO"! :-( I am glad your Dr. was more honest with you.

Wishing u the best of luck with your band!!!


on 2/8/11 8:46 am - Mexico
I'm totally impressed with your doctor for his honesty!

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/11 4:39 am - MN
Yes all pre-ops should do there due-diligence!
on 2/6/11 5:04 am - Athens, GA

Thank you Brock!


on 2/6/11 5:04 am - Bayonne, NJ
I did my research on the Lapband before I chose to have it. I researched for 2 years. That reseached included the stats you mentioned. I also talked to people that had all different kinds of WLS and everyone has  a horror story no matter what kind of surgery. Most people I know who had WLS reseached. And had there type of surgery because it was the best fit for them. This is a choose. And there will be risks no matter what. So let people make their choose don't tell them they are stupid because that what this sounded like.
on 2/6/11 6:15 am - Athens, GA

No where in the article did it state that anyone was stupid!

I am glad you researched. Some ppl don't and some ppl don't thouroughly. Though there can be horror stories with any far the most revisions seem to be from bandsters revising FROM the band! if the band was that great would all those ppl want to get rid of it and put theirselves through yet another WLS??? I think NOT!

Btw..........I was just 3 1/2 yrs. how much have u lost with the band and are u at goal???


Stephanie M.
on 2/7/11 10:25 pm, edited 2/8/11 1:22 am
f any halfway intelligent person did real research on having an adjustable gastric band put in at this point in time would not have it done.

Come on Maria...halfway intelligent does in fact mean stupid.  If the average IQ is 100 and halfway intelligent = 50, then that person would be intellectually challenged (stupid).

I do agree with Rainbow Runner and I have replied to you with the same advice will be taken much more seriously if you format your posts a bit more user friendly.  If you want to continue to post your blog and reach out to and help people, I would also use some of the other tools available to ensure you come across as a reliable resource.  Spell check is right next to the smiley face.

To address the issue of results with AGB, if a person does their research they will learn that they will lose, on average, 30-70% of their excess weight...for me that is between 40 and 94 lbs, still respectable.  At 61, I cannot afford to deal with malabsorbtion and the issues that can come up as a result of that type of surgery, and Medicare didn't cover VSG (my other option for my medical issues and age). Yes, I have to "diet" (pay attention to what I eat and how much) but I knew that going in.  My band is a tool that keeps me from being hungry between meals, but it will not stop me from eating what I should not or eating too much (grazing).

Because one has a different experience  from yours, does not mean they didn't do their research or are "halfway intelligent".

Edited for


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


Bette B.
on 2/6/11 8:48 am
 No, not "stupid". "HALFWAY INTELLIGENT."


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

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