Lap Band? Realize Band? BEWARE!
Lap Band and Realize Band………..DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!
After being one of the few that’s been sucessful with her Lap Band, Lynn developed some serious Lap Band complications. Lynn has since had a WLS revision and is doing great with her VSG!!!
Remember…………….Think twice, cut ONCE!
Do Your Research

I always say “Do your research" and I always get the response…."I have". Bull****
If any halfway intelligent person did real research on having an adjustable gastric band put in at this point in time would not have it done. The stats are horrendous….even the maker of the band knows this.
“with 3-year follow-up reported, 88% of the 299 patients had one or more adverse events, ranging from mild, moderate, to severe. Nausea and vomiting (51%), gastroesophageal reflux (regurgitation) (34%), band slippage/pouch dilatation (24%) and stoma obstruction (stomach-band outlet blockage) (14%) were the most common post-operative complications. In the study, 25% of the patients had their gastric banding systems removed, two-thirds of which were following adverse events. Esophageal dilatation or dysmotility (poor esophageal function****urred in 11% of patients, the long-term effects of which are currently unknown."
You’ll have people say “Oh reflux isn’t a complication" tell that to the people that now have Barrett’s Esophagus. The band maker is claiming 1 in 4 people have the band removed – ONE IN FOUR – people wake up. That is huge and conservative.
A third of patients had undergone reoperation after five years, increasing to 53% at 10 years. The incidence of band removal increased from 0.5% at one year to 11% at five years and 35% at 10 years. Conversion to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass accounted for half of all reoperations, according to one AMSBS report.
You can read the rest of Lynn's story on my blog:
I don't understand how anyone could object to potential or current bandsters having ALL the info about ther band?!?!?! Knowledge is power. Ppl need to be able to make INFORMED decisions about the band!!! As you know Kate, I have posted possitive band artiles on my blog also. Why? B/c there are possitive band stories also. They need to hear ALL the info. I feel I am fair in what I write about and post.
If they then choose to get the band, then I sincerly wish them all the luck in the world! At that point I feel that my conscious is clear and they have gone through knowing the info and making an informed decision about what they think is best for THEM.
The band forum need to be a place for SUPPORT for ALL bandsters and potential bandsters and that is what I am trying to do. I can not in clear conscious NOT post about how the band really is.
Maria, I don't think anyone objects to your posting information, pro or con. It's just the verbal and visual histrionics that usually accompany your posts that people find off-putting. None of us who have been successful with the band would for one second deny that there can be problems with the lapband, just as other (rational) people who've opted for other types of WLS will tell you that there are cases of failure and medical issues with their chosen surgery as well. Presentation is everything, and it's your continued soap-box, soap-opera style that is just grating after a while.
By all means, present your information so that those considering the band can be educated, but you might find better reception (at least by those who try to cohabitate peacefully on this board) if you didn't portray your opinion as the only one that prospective lapbanders should heed.
Just sayin.
I find it extremely ironic that u would say that I " portray your opinion as the only one that prospective lapbanders should heed." because that is how the "happy bandsters" act! Lol. They have no problem stating just the possitive things about the Lap Band (true or NOT!), but they for some reason feel that I should NOT be allowed to state my band experience, or post stats. Funny how that works out?!
Why are those that only post the possitive about the band are not accused of being "on a soap box"???
Like it or not............the is the band forum............and it if for ALL bandsters and former bandsters!
If you don't like my posts.........then by all means.........feel free to skip them!
Have a nice day! :-)
Bands don't work now b/c of anger?? Lmao. Well that's anew one! What other garbage can u come up with? Lol.
Oh an now..............without even knowing me u have decided I am angry and have a problem with "emotional eating"??? Then why have I lost 100 lbs in the last coupld of yrs.???
Get your facts straight u moron!
But that wasn't her opinion, that was Lynn's opinion.
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies: