Lap Band? Realize Band? BEWARE!

on 2/7/11 8:57 am - Athens, GA

I could care less if you don't like the color I choose, lol. Life is way to short to obsess about weather someone dislikes the color I seem to choose.

~I think you like to get people to rise to your posts so they check your blog~

Oh really? And why did I post the same things for the last year when I didn't have a blog??? Lol.


Jo N.
on 2/7/11 11:35 am - Crawfordsville, IN

Oh sweet Maria - I think you're missing the point that we all understand your pain & anger.

They're just asking like my post last night pointed out that you'd get better respect & people to take you seriously if you'd use the honey approach to educating bander bee's then the vinegar approach from the past that seem to rub people the wrong way. You have every right to be angry. Damn well every right. Not one person since I've been back on the boards has said you don't have the right to be on the war path. Everyone's just saying that if you want the war path your own to be taken seriously as the information your providing you need to do so a little less tad angry, harsh, vicious in unintentional attitude. I know it's not your intention at all for people to feel like this. And you view getting the word out there as a matter of fact situation so you don't understand why people are all like "why you so mean" and crap like that. Despite what you want to believe... we are all sorry you got lied to about the real information about the band. We are all sorry it's soured you. It's a travesty, unfair, and clear an unjustifiable situation that you now have to live with now that you know facts. But I'm telling you now again like I did the last response to you that you will get way better respectful response to the information your providing if you present a little more honey to your attitude & tone down the vinegar anger that you truly feel about your own personal experience. Because when that anger shows that's all people see - is your personal anger. Then they just say 'whatever' and not even care what helpful information you've tried to provide thus just sending you into a painful circle all over again. 


I hope some day, some of your pain lesson & you don't walk so angry all the time. I think you are a beautiful person with so much compassion you want to save everyone from the mistakes that happened to you & others.  Honey attracts more bee's then vinegar. 

And if mentioning this to you again causes you to be upset or angry w/me then I'm sorry. Like you I'm concerned with the lack of information provided with bandsters before surgery & the treatment they receive during "surprise" aftercare complications. There's a lot of us that care. 

Blessed Truth & Hugs

Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


Stephanie M.
on 7/13/12 10:41 am
 Where have you been?


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 2/7/11 1:13 pm - Athens, GA

Jo I just feel it should work both ways but that doesn't seem to exist her and bandland. I show respect when I am given respect. I have met a lot of wonderful ppl here on OH. But there are those on here that want to whine about what color I use or tell me NOT to post on the band forum b/c I' m "scaring the newbies". Well as far as I'm concerned they should be scared!

For some reason some of the bandsters here don't want the negative side of the band revealed. They think they should be allowed to post all the happy band stories and that I should just keep quiet about the band.

They tell me that this is a "support forum" and that what I offer is not "support" (however from the PM's I receive from prospective and current bandsters having issues I would tend to disagree with that!).

It all comes down to I just don't care anymore. I have been attacked relentlessly on here for stating my experience and for posting stats (yes, they even  have a problem with that!). For some reason no one seems to care when someone else is attacking me on here. They will completely disregard that and try to chastize me for what I say in response.

Look through some of Jean's insulting personal attacks that she has maded to me on here! Not one bandster has ever confronted her on this!!! But then I say something to her in return............everyone wants to ***** about what I said! Well it doesn't work like that! Like I said..............I show respect when I am given respect!!!

And as far as this being a "support forum".............Well there is very little "support" that I have received on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have received a LOT of support on OH............but NOT from many bandsters!


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