Would You Get the LapBand AGAIN.......If you had it to do over...

on 2/7/11 3:42 am
Hi All...I didn't read everyone's posts, but I did read a good amount of them.  I was at a support group this weerkend and one of the invited guest speakers proclaimed that she wouldn't have gone the lap band way if she had to do it over again.  I have to say it was NOT what I needed to hear 6 weeks after having my surgery.  Thanks everyone for making me feel better!
(deactivated member)
on 2/7/11 3:45 am
Simple answer, no.

Send me a friend request and you can read over my blog entries while I've been banded to see why I feel this way.
on 2/7/11 4:29 am - Searcy, AR
Yes, Yes and Yes!! I have lost 130lbs and am so happy with my results and not trouble at all.
Best Decision I ever made.
on 2/7/11 7:38 am - Mexico
No, I wouldn't. Not if someone offered it for free.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 2/7/11 7:47 am
Yes-I have been pleased with my band. I chose it because it was least invasive and reversible. Thing with the band-there is the possibility of revision after band failure or loss of effectiveness. If a another surgery fails, revision is usually not an option. With this said, I am interested in seeing how folks with gastric plication make out. If I needed revision, this is the first option I would look into. I am just glad that there are choices for us, Different strokes and that sort of thing!
Michelle F.
on 2/7/11 9:42 am
No, probably not.  While it helped get me to goal, I think it was because I couldn't really eat more than 3 bites of anything and never the same food twice.  I was on liquids more than solids most of the time and after two slips, I'm not revising to the sleeve.

It's not "reversible" because if you remove the band you remove plenty of your stomach where the scar tissue has grown around the band to keep it in place.  Least invasive isn't always safest, as you can see by reading the Allergan or J&J safety profile on their website..it shows plenty of complications.

I only wanted the band when I had WLS because I thought it was the safest, least invasive and reversible surgery.  I've since learned it's not all that.  And I'm not bashing it, I'm just telling people that you need to research all the surgeries out there and go with what you feel is right for you, not what the ads tell you.  I have only a few friends who have been banded more than 3 years who still have their bands, the rest have all needed to revise to another surgery or replace their band with another because of complications.
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