Would You Get the LapBand AGAIN.......If you had it to do over...

on 2/6/11 6:14 am
Lord yes a thousand times over.  Last year I got myself too tight. Had to have 4 cc taken out. I gained 32 lbs. thru Jan 15, 2011. If I had not had the band I would have gained all my weight back plus some as I always have.  I actually let old habits set back in. Eating junk food washing it down with liquids. I have gotten back on track as of Jan 15, 2011 and have already lost 12.5 as of today; Feb. 6, 2011.  And, this is without the 4 cc fill. I am going back next Friday and am going to get a 1 maybe 1.5 cc put back in. I am so glad I had this done. It feels good to know that though this is a journey, it is a good journey. Trust me some make goal in a year, some 2 some 3 and like me my goal is 200 by June, 5th of this year and It will be my 4 yr. bananniversary. Someone said does not matter how long it takes you to get there just that you get there. Good Luck
on 2/6/11 6:18 am
Yep ---- but I went in to my surgery wanting a band, and only a band.

I started to eat and exercise like a bandster 2 months before surgery --- I acepted the pre-op and post-op requirements willingly.

If you are going to have Band surgery, please commit 100% prior ---- and if you really want to have VSG, appeal or safe or borrow to get the surgery you want.

This journey is uphill -- and harder when you are not 100% on board.

on 2/6/11 6:31 am
on 2/6/11 6:33 am - Woburn, MA
 Yes, but I wouldn't have waited so long.  I spent the first 25 years of my adult life being overweight and unhappy about it.  I am much happier now being a normal size person
learning more everyday
on 2/6/11 6:35 am
I will be opposite from everyone else...NO.
I lost my insurance 4 months post banding, and while it works great in the fact that I lost 65 lbs in the first 8 months, I have steadily gained 20 of that back over the last year. My surgeon charges way to much for and adjustment (*845), and I just have not been able to afford that.
I started a new job last month, and I am so excited. I will be saving 1 paycheck a month, as well as any extra I can, and be re-visioned to the sleeve by the end of 2011. I have thought it out, and if I only do 2 adjustments a year with another surgeon that will do them, that is 10 years, and with the problems I am seeing with most bandsters 4 or 5 years post op, I am not going to wait that long.
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/11 6:44 am - MN
Even with the blips in my road I would...yes.
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/11 6:58 am
If my surgery had covered the DS no. I'm in the process of getting a revision from band to DS due to mechanical failure of my band.

Before the band failure I lost weight but afterwards life has not been great with it.

on 2/6/11 7:08 am - Vancouver, WA
No way, not because the band is bad per se but it was the wrong surgery for me. I already ate 800-1000 cal. a day so the band didn't really change that, in fact it's more difficult to eat healthy food now because things get stuck and I never know when it'll happen. Plus like others I lost bariatric coverage on my ins.
Nic M
on 2/6/11 7:12 am
No, I certainly wouldn't.  It's a very hard thing to go through in so many ways.  I just don't have any faith in it whatsoever. 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 2/6/11 7:14 am
DS on 08/20/12
I am 4 weeks out and so far I have to say I would definitely do it again. My Dr. and I wanted to do the sleeve also but my insurance wouldn't cover it either. I love to eat and I was concerned about eating restrictions also. It was easier than I thought it would be. It's a struggle sometimes but nothing this important ever comes easy.

Lap Band with Greater Curvature Plication 1/10/11, Conversion to DS 8/20/12 


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