Helping newbies! Sample daily menus.

Kate -True Brit
on 2/5/11 4:16 am - UK

Someone posted on a thread earlier saying that when she wanted to get an idea of how bandsters eat, everyone just quoted calories and/or carbs at her. When what she really wanted was to know how that looked on a plate.

I know we have a what -did-you-eat-today thread but that is warts and all - good and bad days. So I thought I would start a thread giving sample "good day" menus. Great if others join in as we all eat a bit differently.

All measurements are very approximate as I don't weigh etc.

B - enormous skinny latte (unsweetened)      (can't eat solids in the morning)

Mid-morning - fruit    /  yoghourt    / 15 almonds

Lunch - 1/2 small baked potato with about 1oz cheese or
               4 crackers and cheese  or
               1/2 sandwich with healthy filling

Late -afternoon - very variable - If I am at home and hungry something substantial like 3 fish sticks. 
               otherwise nuts  /  yog    /  fruit    /  crackers w cheese

Dinner - about 3-4 oz chicken / fish / any other meat with about 1/2 cup of veggies 

Mid evening - yoghourt  /  oatmeal.

Lots and lots of fluid - probably about 3 pints of hot no-sugar flavoured blcakcurrant juice, several mugs (large) of tea - unsweetened with f/f milk, Couple of large glasses water.

Hope this helps someone!   Kate

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 2/5/11 4:32 am
B: Vanilla Premier Protein Shake (can't do solids in AM)

L: 1/2 cup Kroger crab select (imitation crab) 
     3 oz carrot slices w/hummus

     3 oz rolled sliced turkey w/horseradish mustard
     3 oz carrot slices w/laughing cow cheese wedge

S: string cheese ~or~
     Knudsen's 100 calorie cottage cheese double w/pineapple

D: 3-4oz fish or dense protein
     1/4 cup steamed veggies

S: SF Jell-O pudding ~or~
     1oz almonds

Posted Image

01|17|08 lap band   08|12|08
01|17|11 port replacement
            07|09|12 hiatal hernia repair & band repositioning

on 2/5/11 6:24 am - Davenport, FL
Good idea Kate!

My menu looks like this:

B/   1 C decaf coffee w/ ff half&half
       1 or 2 eggs
       1/4C fruit
     1/2-3/4 C oatmeal w/ fruit
           oatmeal made w/ skim milk no****er

L/    1/3 C protein such as tuna w/ lf mayo or canned chicken
    Sometimes it's meat leftover from last nights dinner
      1/4 C veggie or fruit

D/   basically same as lunch protein varies between meats, fish, chicken

S/   greek yogurt w/ 1/4 C fruit

I also have 1-2 C skim milk a day

I know that some folks say they eat 3-4 oz of protein.  I was told to measure by Volumn not by weight.   If I weigh my 1/3 C of protein it is only about 1.5 oz on the scale.  Big difference.
Our pouches take volumn not weight.  That's what I am taught anyway.
crystal M.
on 2/5/11 6:36 am - Joliet, IL
I know that some folks say they eat 3-4 oz of protein.  I was told to measure by Volumn not by weight.   If I weigh my 1/3 C of protein it is only about 1.5 oz on the scale.  Big difference.
Our pouches take volumn not weight.  That's what I am taught anyway

Interesting I never heard this before.  I am going to experiment with this concept.  I never thought of things that way but it does make sense.  Hmmmm.  You learn something new every day
Kate -True Brit
on 2/5/11 7:56 am - UK

I go by volume as well! I put down 3-4oz because that is the amount that usually works out as the volume that works for me! Does that make sense? 

My instructions were a piece of dense protein about the size of a standard pack of playing cards!  And by trial and error, i found that that is about 3-4oz of something like chicken breast. (Don't use "cups" in the UK!).


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


crystal M.
on 2/5/11 6:33 am - Joliet, IL

This is a sample I pretty much follow every day.  My dinners vary but breakfast and dinner is pretty much the same.  I don't care much for variety...hahaha

B-  egg beaters, 2 turkey sausage

S- 3 apple slices

L- 3 slices of turkey, slice of low fat cheese, 6 wheat crackers (I make myself my own version of lunchables with the crackers), 1/4 cup cottage cheese

D- 2 chicken drumsticks (white meat doesn't agree with my band) 1 cup green beans
or bean, salsa, lettuce and steak tortilla or beef stew or turkey burger with carrot sticks.


S- carrot sticks

on 2/6/11 4:57 pm
Yours sounds interesting I like the lunch menu but it seems like a lot,, no?

Do u know calorie wise how this is and/or what do u look for in a daily balance?

RNY 04/05/04
BOB 12/30/10 (Band over Bypass)  

crystal M.
on 2/6/11 9:44 pm - Joliet, IL
I eat this mainily because I like it.  I also eat what's easy to bring to work.  I can't eat left overs (I have trouble with left overs warmed in the microwave).  I am looking for more protein and more complex carbs.  So this lunch menu helps with all of those things. 

Yes it is too much sometimes.  I eat the cottage cheese first then I start eating my "lunchables" I stop when I'm full.  Sometimes I can eat all them sometimes I have 1 or 2 left. 
on 2/5/11 7:41 am
Good idea Kate, I remember when I was a newbie and reading "what are we eating post" and I was amazed they were full on such a little bit. LOL
B: 1 scrambled egg, 1/2 piece turkey bacon 1/3 banana
L: Tuna salad
D: 4 oz White chicken chili, 1/4 cup spinach leaves with balsamic
S; L/F String Cheese or pistachios
 Mari  Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!
on 2/5/11 8:12 am
My sample day
B- 1 turkey sausage or 1/4 cup egg beaters w/sprinkle of cheese
L- 2 Oz chicken cutlet w/ veggies
S- string cheese or pure protein bar
D- 2 Oz steak and salad
S- Greek yogurt and fruit or protein shake


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