what a day!!

(deactivated member)
on 2/4/11 11:50 am
I know this is totally unrelated to weight loss or surgery, but I have had the worst day!!..It seems like it will never end!!...Just when you think things are starting to look up, something else sneaks up from behind...and on top of all the other issues I have going on, I think I am taking on a cold!!..With surgery just a few days away!!.and due to presurgery lab work, the tape has my arm broke out in an ugly itchy rash...Guess I need to try to get well and fast!..Sorry for the ranting, but I am just soo exhausted...mentally and physically..
on 2/4/11 2:22 pm - CA
Chin up! Good Luck to you and get better quick. Thank you for venting and sharing. Praying for you!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 2/4/11 9:13 pm
Thanks...Its amazing what going to bed early and a little cry can do..lol..I feel much better emotionally today...Now to deal with this cold.....
Jeanie B.
on 2/4/11 9:38 pm - Louisville, KY
Fluids, rest and a little chicken soup should help.  Take it easy this week-end! 
Jeanie B.
The Chorus Teacher with the Band
on 2/5/11 12:41 pm - Belle, WV
I hope you feel better soon!  You should let your surgeon know about the rash.  You may have an allergy to the adhesive in the tape and could cause you a little problem after surgery.  Although I have had a rash (and blisters) from medical tape, I did NOT have any problems with that from my surgery, so I guess it just depends on what they use.  Anyway, take care and get well soon!
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