
on 2/4/11 4:26 am - Athens, GA
Bette is once again shaving her head to raise money for children with cancer. She does this every year. It is one thing to throw a few dollars towards this cause. It is quite another for a woman to shave her head to bring attention to this!

Those of us that are lucky enough to have healthy children should appriciate that our kids are healthy and support Bette in her effort to raise funds for those that are not.

I realize that times may be tough right now, but every dollar helps! Even if everyone on the band forum just contributed $5 think of how much that would be for her fundraiser.

There is a lot of fighting on this forum at times but I think we would all agree...........most of us are good at heart. Please help out your fellow bandster and donate what you can to Bette's fundraising effort!!!

Bette's post with the link to donate is below:

For kids with cancer, that is!  

I’m going to shave my head - for the fifth time -  and I need your support! Why? I’m taking it all off to raise money for childhood cancer research – going bald in solidarity with kids battling this terrible disease. 

The poor hairs on my head will find themselves forcibly ejected on Saturday, April 10 as part of this year's international St. Baldrick's Day organization events.  Please help me reach my goal of a thousand dollars by to justify this bodacious decision and to fund as much research as possible! 






Despite tremendous progress, cancer remains the #1 disease killer of children in the U.S. and Canada. I’m out to help change that! Team Brent - of which I am proud to be a member - continues to be the top fund-raising St. Baldrick's Team in the world, raising over $3 million, one head at a time.

Since St. Baldrick’s began in 2000, shavees like me have helped raise more than $69 million, enabling the organization to grow into the world’s largest fundraising event for childhood cancer. The Foundation made more than $12 million in grants last year alone, to some of the top pediatric cancer researchers working today, and also to many young doctors who will be the research experts of tomorrow. And in fact, St. Baldrick's funds more children's cancer research than any other entity besides the United States government.






Set 5 - 468x60 
Children fighting cancer lose not only their hair but precious years from their childhood, and sometimes their lives. Compared to a child’s struggle, shaving my head is a small sacrifice, and your gift can help save lives.

If you'd like to help, please PM me and I will send you all the details or click on the link below to go right to my St B's site where you can make on online donation . . .




Thank you in advance if you are able to help and, most of all, for your continued support!




Bette B

Bold Bald Broad!


Bette B.
on 2/4/11 4:47 am

Thank you so much for this! Some dillhole "mommy buttoned" me on the Main Forum last night. I'm so pissed I ALMOST wished that something evil would befall THEIR child!


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 2/4/11 5:30 am - Athens, GA

Your very welcome. I hope u get a lot of donations. Just wish I could have sent more!!!


Bette B.
on 2/4/11 5:46 am
To paraphrase "When Harry Met Sally",  . . . 

"You see? That is just like you, Maria. You say things like that, and you make it impossible for me to hate you. " 


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 2/4/11 8:12 am - Athens, GA

That's just cause u haven't met me yet! Lmao.


on 2/4/11 10:42 am - Athens, GA

Btw Bette............I found u a wig till when your hair grows back:

Go to fullsize image

Your welcome!


Bette B.
on 2/4/11 11:39 am


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 2/4/11 11:40 am - Athens, GA

Knew u'd love it! ;-)


(deactivated member)
on 2/4/11 9:10 am - Des Moines, IA
I'm sheltered or ignorant, but what is "mommy buttoned" ?
on 2/4/11 6:53 am - Vancouver, WA
What kind of ass would mommy button this?! With all the stupid things people post asking for support and vote for this that and 12 other things they mommy this. Come on bandsters let's show 'em what we're made of and all send a donation. It's so simple even I did it, so if I can ANYBODY can. I mean really what kind of jerk mommies children's cancer, a pox on them, no a full dozen poxes on them!
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