To all of you hit by the nasty storm this week

on 2/4/11 2:42 am - New Brighton, MN
I FEEL for you! Not that we've had an easy winter in MinnSNOWTA but we are set up for it. You aren't in Nevada or Texas. And you in the east all I can say is YOU POOR THINGS! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep safe people and don't do anything stupid like travel until they give the all clear.

on 2/4/11 3:46 am - Albuquerque, NM
Thanks Shell, I live in New Mexico and boy did we get hit with the snow and then the cold. School here has been canceled all week. We are not used to this kind of weather, this is New Mexico. I think mother nature has lost her flippin mind. The sun finally came out this morning and it is a little warmer but not much. Then to top it off we had a gas shortage and some parts of the state are without heat. Yeah this has been the worst winder ever. From my understanding we beat 40 year records, as long as I have been alive I have never seen it this cold. I cant wait till spring, I am sooooo looking forward to it getting warmer. Hope everyone else is ok.


lapband in 2008 at 298lbs , lowest weight was 183lbs , Band almost killed me and removed in 2011. No revison because to much damage for revision.

Anti Lap-band advocate!


crystal M.
on 2/4/11 3:59 am - Joliet, IL
Here in Chicago we are set up for snow...but not the blowing and drifting.  I had to shovel through 5 foot snow drifts...but hey I looked at it as upper body weight lifting...5 hours of weight lifting.  I'm still a little sore.  I will never complain again about shoveling a foot of snow...ever again....that seems like nothing now...hahaha 

Is it spring yet????
on 2/4/11 9:27 pm
I was supposed to go to Texas for a conference... and flights were cancelled first because of ice in Texas and then because of snow here.  I guess it just wasn't meant to be!  Oh well... I bought myself a couple new suits on sale for the conference so that's fun anyway!  
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