Flu Bug

on 2/1/11 10:59 pm - Hill AFB, UT
Hi all!
      Has anyone had the flu or a bad cold this season? What are some of the "band friendly" remedies or over-the-counter meds you've tried. My son has been down for 4 days with it and, despite the fact my hands are raw from washing them so much, I've managed to pick it up. I'm in the early stage so I'm still able to get out to the store before it gets worse. I know I can't take anything with NSAID's but any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Starting weight- 265     Goal weight- 165-145 
Stephanie M.
on 2/1/11 11:36 pm
Sorry Jenny...most OTC flu meds contain acetomeniphen (sp) or tylenol, unless the name contains the name of a popular nsaid...just need to read the label and be cautious in taking additional tylenol, since an OD can be deadly.  I haven't been sick since banding and hope that at my age and with my series of flu shots, I am unlikely to get it BUT the bigger threat is food bourne illness with vomiting.

I think staying hydrated, taking an OTC med without nsaids per the directions, and maybe eating soups and drinking warm liquids will get you through the worst of it.  Plan on getting a flu shot early in the season EVERY year from here on out, to avoid getting it in the future.

We buy clorox wipes at Costco and use them religiously in our busy household of 4 adults and 4 young teens...door handles, faucets, countertops, phones, remotes, keyboards all get wiped down daily.

Hope you feel better soon!


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 2/2/11 12:50 am
Well, I am allowed to take NSAIDS as needed --- but I usually take the Tylenol products.

I have been down and out with sore throat/sniffles/runny nose for 3 or 4 days also, and use Tylenol Sore Throat (or the generic equivalent).

Feel better --

on 2/2/11 12:53 am - Athens, GA

I'm with Steph on the disinfecting! I wipe down phones, remote, door handles and computer mouse frequently. I know that doesn't help u at this moment but just wanted to say hope u feel better soon!!!




on 2/2/11 8:08 am
Just got over a bad sinus infection. I took theraflu liquid.
Feel better soon!
Nancy B.    
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