Hello Everyone. Gone for awhile - have much to share.... but

Jo N.
on 2/1/11 2:38 pm - Crawfordsville, IN

Hey everyone. 5 & a half year band vet. I've been MIA for a long while. I've been suffering (since first being diagnosed in 1998) with my RSD because of all these winter storms lately. Two years ago I fought for my life because when I was 3 months pregnant during a routine exam we found that I had cervical cancer. I had to wait for my son to be born & shortly after that had a radical hysterectomy & bladder repositioning during which we found out I actually had cervical cancer with undetected uterine cancer. I had chemo & radiation all the way up to six weeks before my very first ever in my life wedding!!! All this by the time I was 38 yrs old. WOO HOO! LOL!

I was really excited to find some down time lately & thought I'd come back here to the boards & share some of my banding experiences thru all that.... but.... and this was after several days (to almost a full weeks time) of weighing things back & forth in my mind because of the constant pro & anti band fighting going on here on the boards. I'm afraid that if I share that I'll be verbally attacked for having a positive & a few not so positive experiences. Despite updated recent statistic about the band, I wanted to come here as a vet & say there are statistics that set you up for failure. My statistics for my cancer say I should be dead. My statistics for my RSD disease say I should be confined to a wheelchair. My life statistics for all the trauma I've been subjected to says I should be on my death bed. ME... I say WOOO HOOOO what a ******g grand ride!!! 

Lets be honest. There's failure rates for WLS options. Whether they be from the patients mistakes, doctor/physician's mistakes, product/manufactures mistakes... there's just mistakes. And yes, each procedure is gonna have different statistics. One is always gonna be statistically looking better then others. BUT... BUT... despite what statistics say it's still a choice for the person on what they want to do to their bodies to conquer their weight condition. Why can't you all just agree to support everyone on getting a good education pre op on all their choices, then support their choice, then never repeat the phrases "I told you so", "I tried to tell you that procedure wouldn't work", or any other phrases close to those. We all have weight issues & I'm by far not saying this whole board needs to be unicorns & rainbows up our asses all the time. But we can use a little more compassion & support and a little less cattiness & name calling. 

I know most of you are gonna trash all over my post... and I'm sorry you feel the need to. I'd really like though share my banding experiences - good & bad - during my health crisses. I'd like to feel safe doing so. I'd like to feel like I'm giving a fair view of the band. I'd just really like to share. 


Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


on 2/1/11 2:53 pm
Welcome back! Wow!! What a long and tiring journey you have fought. Congrats on beating the heck out of cancer!! And beating the odds with RSD. Woot! You are one strong cookie!!

As for all the band bashing and wars... I just ignore them. Right now it is a little harder... but I just don't participate. I am here to get and give support. I have enough drama in my real life. ;)

I have had good & bad experiences with my band as well. I have posted both. So far no one has tried to shove a rainbow or a hot poker up my ass... so I guess I have been doing ok. LOL.

Never be afraid to post your journey or what is going on with you. Every experience is helpful for newbies and vets alike. 

Posted Image

01|17|08 lap band   08|12|08
01|17|11 port replacement
            07|09|12 hiatal hernia repair & band repositioning

on 2/1/11 2:55 pm - Canada
you are the reason I am here... for you to honestly share your experiences good and bad... Please do... I will not belitle, or berate or cuss you out... those that do... well they are not worth it.
I am a pre-op newbie looking for support, direction information, personal experiences by which I can guage my own feelings about wls... I appreciate your honesty... just in case you are bashed... please know that we do want to hear... YOUR STORY!

I am glad for your that you are an overcomer... Good on ya! You make us all proud!
on 2/1/11 3:16 pm - CA
You couldnt have said it better! :) 
on 2/1/11 3:29 pm - CA
Keep sharing Sista!!
Congrats on all of your success and survival! 
You are an inspiriation!

The band may not be perfect, but it will be perfect for me!


on 2/1/11 9:01 pm - MD
You rock, Jo!  Thanks for being such an inspiration...in your battles with the big "C", RSD, and your experiences with the band.  At this point, many of us "lurkers" know who to trust and listen to and do what we can to block out the negativity.  We know the risks associated with the band (and many of the other surgeries) and have made the choice that is best for us. I am so glad I opted for the band and hope to be a success like you.  So far, I am on the right track (almost 40 lbs down in 4 months). Please try to give us more of your positive energy...it is definitely needed! 
on 2/1/11 9:38 pm - Crown City, OH
Thank you for posting !

                        I never hardly post but read almost everyday. So Thank you again .I agree there is the good and the bad with all wls. we just have to work a little harder with the band. not a quick fix for weight loss. and you spmetimes need to be encouaged. So thank you

(deactivated member)
on 2/1/11 11:16 pm
All of us that are just begining our journey need those who have gone before us to guide us down the right path and to give us the real deal on issues that arise. Thank You for posting and I hope you continue to do so...Congrats on overcoming so much over the past few years!
(deactivated member)
on 2/1/11 11:27 pm - Des Moines, IA
I can't imagine going through all of that.  You are one strong person and I'm glad you have found better health!  Wow! 

I LOVE my band and the health it's given me.  I try to give support on this board, since I received so much support prior to the band and after.  I also try to do everything I can to protect my band and I'm working hard to get in the best shape I can.  I'm a RN and I see what obesity does. It only gets worse as people get older causing more and more health problems.

Best wishes to you,
Kate -True Brit
on 2/2/11 12:14 am - UK

What an inspirational post. I cannot imagine going through all that. You are a very brave and positive lady!  I can't imagine anyone will "trash" this post!

Please keep posting. One of the problems we have is that so many vets leave the board - not because they are unsuccessful with their loss but they get fed up with the fighing and the criticism!

We need more to stay!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


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