Haven't Lost Weight

on 2/3/11 11:12 pm - OK
Adjustable Gastric Band on 10/26/10
Thanks for your encouragement and suggestion!
(deactivated member)
on 2/3/11 6:48 am - Des Moines, IA
How many calories do you think you are getting per day? Maybe you could try and shake things up by going lower and then a little higher.  Are you able to swim or use an exercise bike?  The fills eventually will help with hunger and sometimes the volume, it really comes down to calories in/ calories used.
on 2/3/11 11:11 pm - OK
Adjustable Gastric Band on 10/26/10

I weighed myself this morning and I lost 3 lbs this week!!! That's really good I think! What a shock that was. I probably get about 800 calories a day. Which is probably effecting my weight loss. It's not that I don't feel hunger, I seem to be hungry all the time. So . . .... I don't eat as much as I probably should because I'm afraid to over due it. I know that you also have to eat to lose. Eat appropriately, of course. But I haven't been tracking calories, which is a big no no, I'm sure. I will add that to my log today. Today I go for a fill so hopefully the hunger will go away. I can't ride a regular bike. I could probably use the type of bike that sits you back and you just use your legs. You are low to the ground and your legs are more out in front of you. I don't know what it's called. As for swimming, I don't know how to swim and really hate water over my chest. I've always been afraid of deep water. I hate to sound like I'm full of excuses, but these are just obstacles I live with right now. I tried Zumba and that was just too much for my back. I just found out we have a trainer on the military post. I'm going to call and make an appointment to see her. I'm sure she can come up with something.

(deactivated member)
on 2/3/11 11:37 pm - Des Moines, IA
We have a recumbent  bike where there's a back support.  We have it in our living room and watch TV while we ride it, and it's by the window, so I can watch the birds at the bird feeder etc.

Remember to do fluids after your fill for 24 hours or whatever your surgeon suggests.
on 2/3/11 12:32 pm
 A good physical trainer should be able to do a metabolism test on you, see how much you're burning and determine your caloric needs.  The exercise physiologist ( probably the same thing, pardon me for my ignorance) should be able to do the same thing.  
I'm seeing a personal trainer to get the above mentioned test.  They can also work with your injury and suggest excercises you could do without hurting yourself.  
There's also the "Couch potato to 5K" walks.  I'm doing my first one in April.  Maybe find a stationary bike second hand or go to the YWCA to use one.  
Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you.  
"Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time." ~ Mark Twain
on 2/3/11 11:16 pm - OK
Adjustable Gastric Band on 10/26/10
Yes, I just found out their is a personal trainer on the military installation close by. That would be free and I'm going to contact her and see what we can work out. I'm sure she'll be able to help. But I did weigh myself this morning and I lost 3 lbs!!! YEAH!! I don't know what I did, but something is working. I go for my second fill today and hopefully the hunger will go away. I seem to be hungry all the time. We will see how to day goes. I'm sure things will get better. I'm just impatient and need to realize all good things take time. Thanks for your response.
on 2/3/11 11:17 pm - OK
Adjustable Gastric Band on 10/26/10
Excellent Mark Twain quote. I needed that one.
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