Ok so I have 3 months left to have my 12month Dr. supervised weight program finished and ready to send into my insurance company (thats what they require for surgery) - Very exciting! 
I went into my Dr. office to weigh in and update as usual and Ive been working so hard on this diet. I keep between 1000 and 1200 cal per day. I have been steadily losing a few pounds a month - 1 pd per week about. This time when I weighed in - I gained 2 pds! SO dissappointing. How embarassing. Anyways my Dr. put me on this Xenecal to try and she said I could stop it if I dont like it. Im waiting for a prior auth from my insurance company right now. So while Im waiting I wanted to know if any of you out there have ever used it before and did you like it? not like it? Whatd did you think of it?
Her point was basically just to get another weight loss attempt under my belt to show the insurance company and have documantation and yadayadayada.
So anyways Anyone out there ever use it?

I went into my Dr. office to weigh in and update as usual and Ive been working so hard on this diet. I keep between 1000 and 1200 cal per day. I have been steadily losing a few pounds a month - 1 pd per week about. This time when I weighed in - I gained 2 pds! SO dissappointing. How embarassing. Anyways my Dr. put me on this Xenecal to try and she said I could stop it if I dont like it. Im waiting for a prior auth from my insurance company right now. So while Im waiting I wanted to know if any of you out there have ever used it before and did you like it? not like it? Whatd did you think of it?
Her point was basically just to get another weight loss attempt under my belt to show the insurance company and have documantation and yadayadayada.
So anyways Anyone out there ever use it?
I took this for a month years ago, then found out I was pregnant and had to stop. I lost 12lbs in the one month I took it though. What I learned was, you have to stay within the fat intake amounts or you will regret it. I didn't have any kind of pain or anything, but oh, the bathroom problems you may have. lol!! I would say give it a try. Like the doctor said, if you don't like it, you can stop.
Myself & my 3 girl friends took xenecal. It worked well for the 1 gal but not us 3. I found the gas horrible and leakage horrible and embarasing. You would fart and **** yourself! All 3 of us horrible situation that happened in public. I think that drug is evil. To top it I lost only 5 lbs. Good luck!
That's just prescription strength Alli that is sold over the counter. Myself I wouldn't even want to mess with it, it can do horrible things to your nice undies if you get the drift. Can cause oily bowel movements, blech! Myself I wouldn't mess with it. Besides you don't want to be too successful or the ins. co may decide you don't need surgery. Anyway that's my 2 cents worth.
Yes, I admit it, I used it for a looooong time and learned how to manage it well, As a fat chick I did use it for weight maintenance not loss as I was not in a losing mind set.....It was my crutch! I admit it! Fat Girl talking!
I had a few problems but for the most part my body adapted to it very well. I started on Alli as soon as it was available and took 1 or 2 depending on my intake of fat that meal! I aways had to take it after I ate, not before or my tummy would be sore, but it can be a cool tool!
Be careful but it can help you!

I had a few problems but for the most part my body adapted to it very well. I started on Alli as soon as it was available and took 1 or 2 depending on my intake of fat that meal! I aways had to take it after I ate, not before or my tummy would be sore, but it can be a cool tool!
Be careful but it can help you!
