Got my referral today...
and now it is time to wait. I have to call in 2 days (Friday evening) to see if they can set an appointment for me. My doctor has asked me to please give it one more try while I wait for my consultation and begin the process. I plan to, I told her I still plan to see the dietician and follow her diet and advice as best as I can. whether I have surgery or not I need help finding the right foods and eating better so I can lose weight and improve my health. I also have to make an appt with the psych doc and talk to him/her as well, my doctor says it will help me to realize why I eat and give me ideas for ways to replace eating with something healthy

One step at a time. I think you have a good attitude. Hopefully you can benefit from all of the bariatric professionals you meet along the way. Just keep on keepin' on!
One step at a time. I think you have a good attitude. Hopefully you can benefit from all of the bariatric professionals you meet along the way. Just keep on keepin' on!
Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon. Read my blog at:
I do want to to have lap band surgery. I have been fighting with my wieght for about 11 years, the first few years I guess I didn't realize it had gotten so bad. I went from a size 7 to a size 16 in a year, after a car accident. It wasn't because of the accident, I gained it because I quit all exercise and started eating really bad. I have tried alot of different diets out there, I will lose weight and then I always go back and undo all of my hard work. I think that having something to let me know that I have had enough would be a huge help. I will follow a diet for a month or two and then have a bad day and slip right back into bad habits. I know that this wont stop me from eating the wrong things but it will limit me, and I need that. The dietician & psych will help me to make better choices and see why I keep going back to bad habits and my hope is that all 3 will be what I need to make this a forever change and not a "diet". My doctor wants me to exhaust all options before having the surgery, she says I am young and that I can do this on my own. I want to believe her but this is one time Im willing to say I need help. I have tried and I just can't seem to do it on my own. I think that lap band will offer me what I need, restriction. Thank you for the well wishes I appreciate it