I can DO this!!

Deanna H.
on 1/31/11 2:25 pm - Honolulu, HI
Aloha all!! 
I am about 5 years out I think, and trying to get back on the wagon. Taking it day by day. I had my band and after about 13 fills got it to where it should be and did good. I lost 60 pounds. Needed to lose another 30 or so. But was "okay" at 172 for awhile. Moved to Hawaii and got lazy with it and stopped losing, but did not gain.

All of a sudden one day I could not eat or drink a drop. On day 4 the doc decided to unfill, after the upper GI with barium was totally blocked. So that lead to an emergency surgery as my port had flipped. I knew it was tilted, but not flipped. That was a long day, to reattach the port to unfill. Then had a reaction to the dehydration and pain meds, and husband had to call 911 to come get me. So after they unfilled my band, I gained 22 pounds in 2 months. So back again at 194. I was 239 when I had the surgery.

I have been feeiling every ounce of that weight. What a difference that 22 pounds makes. No clothes fit, too dejected to go buy bigger. This is Hawaii, I should be out having fun in the sun, but can't stand the thought of a bathing suit.

So today I made a decision - long time coming. That I am going to get back on track. Started walking at lunch, walked over a mile. Ate a lot better than usual. I am back at 4.0 in my band, when before the unfil I was at 4.2. Really scared to get more, afraid of a repeat. I am going to make this work for me instead of being miserable. I am 41 yeafrs old and I need to be looking forward to daily activities, not dreading them and feeling miserable.

Thanks for listening!! I have to write this down and visit daily to get my mind set back where it needs to be.


Banded 7/11/06     

on 1/31/11 10:13 pm - NH
I'm a newbie.  Your story is very encouraging!  Keep up the good work!  You are worth it!
(deactivated member)
on 1/31/11 10:31 pm - Des Moines, IA
Hi Deanna,
Welcome!  With the band we can "start fresh" at any point.  I went 5 months being in the 170's.  I would go up a few and lose a few and go up a few and lose a few... Why? because I was eating slider snack foods and not being 100% honest with myself or just letting myself take it easy.  I decided to get my act together and push forward to lose the rest and then maintain.  So in just one week, as of this morning, I have lost 6 pounds since last Monday.  I'm eating 3 meals and having 2 snacks and not hungry.  I'm getting in 80 grams+ of protein with my food.  I'm just thrilled.  I have changed up my exercise routine and I'm losing inches.  I'm 18 months out, so it's wonderful to see that at this far out, I can move forward to my goal, and so can you!

Looking forward to seeing you on the board and let us know how it's going.  I have been doing the "exercise challenge" on this board and we post our exercise minutes once a week.  It will be over on the 14th and I hope Brock will do another one after that.  It pushes me to exercise when I am not feeling like exercising.  It's one goal that I have total control over.  I learned that the weight loss challenges don't work for me, the scale doesn't always give me the number I want. haha

I'm in an area that will have a Blizzard warning starting at noon, with more snow coming, so if you want, you could take a walk for me in the warm weather there, and let me know how it went!

Sorry to ramble on and on.  It's nasty outside and I'm sitting here at my computer drinking coffee and soon will throw in my 30 day Shred exercise DVD.

Lisa O.
on 2/1/11 1:02 am - Snoqualmie, WA
Welcome back Deanna!  You CAN do this!  I'm dealing with 16 lbs I gained over the holidays and while it's never easy it can be done.  If you have good restriction go with it.  If you need a slight fill, don't be afraid.  You must get the band to a place that's working for you.  I had a complete unfill once and when I was getting re-filled I discovered that the level for restriction was different.  First I needed less than the 5.8 I was at before the unfill, then over time I needed more but not because I lost weight.  I think things just shift and change.  It happens so we all have to be prepared to make the adjustments necessary. 

I also learned that if you are not getting enough fluids your band will tighten.  You probably experienced that when you got dehydrated!

Hang in there, and keep coming here for support! 


Lisa O.

Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



Deanna H.
on 2/1/11 12:07 pm - Honolulu, HI
Thanks Lisa! 

I did manage to lose 4 pounds over the holidays according to my doctor so I guess that is a good place to start. I was so scared that 4 days and with the surgery as well as miserable, that I am going to tough it out and try really hard lol I have an appointment with my dr in April so we will see where I am at that point.

Good luck to you and thanks for the kind words! 

Banded 7/11/06     

on 2/1/11 3:46 am - Davenport, FL
Nice name.  (my daughters name! lol)

I'm glad you have a new sense of committment.  Just keep taking one day at a time and before you know it the excess weight will be off and you'll be back in that bathing suit!!

I'm new on my journey so I don't have a lot to offer but I can encourage you.  Remember to enjoy the beauty all around you as you take your walks.  I live in Florida so I do enjoy some nice weather also.  It helps to get out in that fresh air and sunshine.  I still hate to exercise but have forced myself to go for a 30 min walk on most days.

I wish you the best.

on 2/1/11 12:47 pm
Welcome back Deanna!!!

I just recently recommitted to the band myself. Had my port replaced 2 weeks ago. It has so far been a really good decision.

Good luck with your new journey!!! 

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01|17|08 lap band   08|12|08
01|17|11 port replacement
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