Having a hard time with feedback from others

on 1/31/11 4:06 am
I decided to go ahead with bariatric surgery the end of last year (yes, just over a month ago) but have been considering it for almost 6 years. I did some research and decided on gastric bypass...untill I went to my seminar. I really appreciated all the info I got and decided that for me, the healthiest option is the lap band. I have about 140 pounds to lose. I know it'll be difficult. I know the band is a TOOL and there's going to be a LOT of hard work. I know weight loss will be slower than with bypass. I'm about a week away from insurance approval (hopefully) and am estimating a surgery date of the first week of March. I've been cleared by my PCP, psych, and lap-band surgeon. I've had my sleep study and oficially have a comorbidity for insurance to appreciate (sleep apnea).

I've felt very comfortable with my choice of the band over bypass. I feel like the follow up care (diet, counseling, nutrition, exercise) is the best way to reprogram my bad eating habits. I'd rather get used to putting into my body healthy food that will be used as fuel, and not malabsorbed. I'm extremely comfortable with my surgeon and his clinic. My spouse is so supportive. I'm being selective in who I tell, for personal reasons. My spouse, and a few friends. My spouse is totally on board with my procedure choice andmy reasons for chosing but there's a few people really pressuring me to go bypass instead.

Any advice in how to deal with this??
on 1/31/11 7:53 am
You don't owe them an explanation, but if you want maybe try, after all my research and discussions with my family and Dr this is the surgery I think is best for me.
on 1/31/11 8:01 am - Mexico
One thing here....

~~the healthiest option is the lap band.~~

This isn't really accurate. The 'safest' surgery long term is the sleeve.

Banding provides the slowest weight loss, the least weight loss, the highest regain, and the most mechanical problems of all four surgery types. Weight loss is superior with a sleeve vs. a band and there is no maintenance and no aftercare. With a band there is maintenance and aftercare for life.

Many people think that if their ins only offers bypass or banding that is all they are stuck with. Not so! Usually you can appeal your ins co for the surgery type you want.

As for people pressuring you to get bypass there are a million reasons not to get bypass! You only malabsorb calories for 6-24 months but you would malabsorb nutrition forever. The risks and complications are great in number and it's failure rate is just a bit less than with banding. After about 3 years post op from bypass you are metabolically challenged and losing a pound today vs. a pound 3 years post op is night and day in difference.

The complications for bypass are serious, seizure disorders, reactive hypoglycemia, bowel obstructions, nutritional issues, dilated pouch, dilated stoma, the list is endless.

Just tell people you aren't a pill taker and you don't want to depend on supplements for the rest of your life.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 1/31/11 10:22 pm - Lake Luzerne, NY
I totally agree with Midwesterner..and god forbid if you ever need to get nutrition for a diseases like cancer they can open your band so you can intake what you need unlike the bypass.  That was one of my man reasons for choosing the lap over the band was the nutrition alone. Good luck to you and remember this is your body and your decision. God Bless.
on 1/31/11 10:50 pm - Mexico
On February 1, 2011 at 6:22 AM Pacific Time, compulsive1 wrote:
I totally agree with Midwesterner..and god forbid if you ever need to get nutrition for a diseases like cancer they can open your band so you can intake what you need unlike the bypass.  That was one of my man reasons for choosing the lap over the band was the nutrition alone. Good luck to you and remember this is your body and your decision. God Bless.
You can get proper nutrition with any of the WLS types and cancer.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 1/31/11 8:19 am
and decided that for me, the healthiest option is the lap band.

Just my personal opinion and relative to my life...I didn't mean to suggest it was the healthiest option out there for everyone.
on 1/31/11 2:13 pm - Mexico
On January 31, 2011 at 4:19 PM Pacific Time, MomofSuperheroes wrote:
and decided that for me, the healthiest option is the lap band.

Just my personal opinion and relative to my life...I didn't mean to suggest it was the healthiest option out there for everyone.

I'm just saying that statistically speaking, the band is not the safest option overall.  The sleeve is.  It has far fewer long term complications and superior weight loss.

Remember, many ins co's are opting for a once in a lifetime WLS.  So if one surgery type does not work out well for you, your odds for a revision being self pay are higher than you might realize.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 1/31/11 10:40 am

My spouse was very supportive (and still is) ----
I only told 1 friend --- and she was supportive, but I was prepared for her not to be (her sister had RNY a few years ago and lost 150 pounds and has gained back almost all of it).

I don't know how 'harsh' you want to be --- you can say, "Thank you for caring about me" -- or you can say, "I don't need your approval" -- and thousands of things in between that.

Once people know, they can't 'un-know' --- and you only have control over yourself, and not what they say, think or feel.



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