Taking a stand.

on 1/31/11 8:57 am - CA
I agree!!!! 
on 1/31/11 9:14 am - Mexico

I don't care, I'm not posting photos anywhere on line, not going to happen. Hasn't happened in the 4+ years I have been posting on WLS boards and it isn't going to happen to please you. I didn't get WLS to please you, I did it to please me. You don't like that? Tough. Even if I did post photos you wouldn't have any way of knowing it was me anyway.

Many people are very ignorant of internet privacy. Apparently you are included, or so it would appear. We all post very personal information on the boards throughout our WLS journey, last thing I want are for real time people to see it.

So you can continue to insult and infer whatever you wi****'s not going to change a bloody thing. I wouldn't dream of posting before photos even if I had any. How embarrassing to post just how fat I was.

And unless you want to defend your claims with copies of posts showing I work for my surgeon, be careful of what you claim. You might just look like an idiot. I push research, isn't that what you are whining about the last couple of days? Show me where I suggest people should go to my surgeon for a band, you won't find it. What you will find is my suggesting people NOT go to MX for a band and if you look carefully, you will see my surgeon is IN MX.

So kindly refrain from suggesting anyone give up privacy just because you want them to and if you continue suggesting I work for a bariatric surgeon I'm going to be forced to pull all my posts that will prove you to be a liar.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 1/31/11 1:10 pm - Athens, GA
Kate I haven't been on much lately, so I'm not really sure about the posts you are referring to, but in defense of Wasa and Lynn..........Yes, some of their comments could be phrased more "kind". I have seen them fight it out on this forum just as I have had to fight it out with some on here.

I don't think anyone should be making fun of someones religion, and again, I don't know the cir****tances of the statements. However I will say this: JEAN HAS MADE SOME VERY CRUEL INSULTS TO US!!! I feel that we have to defend ourselves on many occasions. I have said some very tacky things about Jean as well. But they were all said AFTER Jean attacked me!

Jean and I disagree about the band...............just like you and I do. You don't persoanlly attack me though, and we seem to respect each others difference of opinions. Jean on the other hand.............not just wants to argue about the band but wants to personally ATTACK me!

So while I can say Wasa and Lynn may have said some things about Jean that they shouldn't have (just like I have), I do completely understand why they have made some of the comments they may have made about her in retaliation.

Perhaps Jean should go back and re-read some of her old posts and see just what she has written about some of us and attacked us?




Kate -True Brit
on 2/1/11 4:08 am - UK

Maria, you and 1 disagree but get on OK together! As it should be! The two "ladies" who don't agree with me and don't get on with me have between them called me a liar, a hypocrite, immoral! I have been asked how I can "sleep at night" when I am putting such lies on this board!

But it was not their words to me that prompted this - one has me blocked and I have blocked the other so the thread that prompted this was the only posts of theirs I have seen for months since the blocks became operational. I know that the one who has blocked me has used me as an example of band problems (!!!) because people have told me - but I haven't seen the thread.

I was just horrified that apparently intelligent adults could be so rude! But I should not have posted this thread and have said so above.


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


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