Taking a stand.

on 1/31/11 1:33 am - Mexico

Why do I need to post photos? Are you familiar with internet privacy?

I've probably met about 50 OH people in real time. Want their names so you can call and they can tell you what I look like?

Sheesh... you really are still grasping for straws.

When I suggest people that are going to get a band NOT go to MX, how does that make it seem like I work for my surgeon? What business is it of yours what I do for a living? Are you really for real? A little common sense goes a long freak'en way.

I want someone to explain why it is okay to be a bigot, a liar, whiny, or a long list IF they are banded? If they are no longer banded suddenly it's a problem.

You and Kate seriously need to get a grip and a dose of reality. When you expect more from previous banded people than you do your own little selves I might have a bit more respect for you.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
(deactivated member)
on 1/31/11 2:38 am - MN
I do agree with you on the point of NO PICTURES. Some people just don't get that. I won't post any self pics. I did once. For a few hours. And I regret it.
Stephanie M.
on 1/31/11 4:33 am
Trust me, I have a firm grip on reality.  The problem I have with many of your posts is that you do insult people, name-call and treat those who don't share your point of view badly.  As far as bigotry, I didn't see where this happened.  I don't go to Mexico on vacation any longer because of the drug cartels...I don't feel safe.  This isn't because I am bigoted against Hispanics or Mexicans, it is because of the situation that exists in that country at this time.  I would not have my surgery in Mexico, because I am concerned that I believe they don't have the safeguards in place there that I would need in case of a complication and the country, in my opinion, is not safe. 

As for the photos, etc, it would help your credibility to put some up...what are you afraid of?? 


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


Lynn C
on 1/31/11 1:48 am
You mean yesterday your were board so you decided to see if you could find anything to excite you on the band board??

As I don't know what Jean religion is I can assure you I was not making fun of "her" religion - just swapping man stories.

As far as being vile - I think that starting posts just to start trouble - such as this one - is vile - and logging off to read stuff from people you don't want to read is mentally disturbed - you need friends to send you copies of them like I have.

You can question me any time - if your question is sensible the response will be to, even if we don't agree - Oh I forgot, you blocked me but still like to read my stuff - naughty girl.

Oh and your lap dog Brock is not the least bit intriguing.

OH will only step in if I break the TOS - as I have never done that you're out of luck. Although I guess responding to a **** stiring post such as this that in itself is a violation of TOS could be counted??
(deactivated member)
on 1/31/11 2:40 am - MN
I am FAR from ANYONE'S "lap dog."

I suggest you read the reply I sent you as evidence.

The crux of my argument? Freedom of religion is a great thing. However, stepping on another's beliefs? Not cool!
on 1/31/11 2:40 am
VSG on 05/15/08 with
On January 31, 2011 at 9:48 AM Pacific Time, Lynn B wrote:
You mean yesterday your were board so you decided to see if you could find anything to excite you on the band board??

As I don't know what Jean religion is I can assure you I was not making fun of "her" religion - just swapping man stories.

As far as being vile - I think that starting posts just to start trouble - such as this one - is vile - and logging off to read stuff from people you don't want to read is mentally disturbed - you need friends to send you copies of them like I have.

You can question me any time - if your question is sensible the response will be to, even if we don't agree - Oh I forgot, you blocked me but still like to read my stuff - naughty girl.

Oh and your lap dog Brock is not the least bit intriguing.

OH will only step in if I break the TOS - as I have never done that you're out of luck. Although I guess responding to a **** stiring post such as this that in itself is a violation of TOS could be counted??
For some reason, you seem like you have a vile attitude.. Why swear?? Feel better now? I find it apalling
Lynn C
on 1/31/11 4:06 am

What would youp prefer that I call this type of post?

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

(deactivated member)
on 1/31/11 2:10 am
on 1/31/11 2:37 am
VSG on 05/15/08 with
To ignore people because you do not like how they relay information is not smart. I have read what WASA has posted and written in her blog. I find her information correct. I am a bander now sleeve. I have seen EVERYONE I was banded with lose them to slippage and erosion, and are now sleeved. I think she gets frustrated that people whine about their problems with their bands, when they are warned this is not a permant solution. Most try to help people look at the other avenues, but some of you get banded and then come back here whining because all you do is vomit, and it slips and or erodes and then you are all upset. Yes, her Dr. does do bands, so does mine, but, you have to do the research. I can also tell you that when someone gets into a word fight with WASA, they are the first to contact her when they run into trouble. I have emails to prove that. So, maybe instead of causing more friction, try to defuse it.  Sometimes if you think she is being crass, just tell her. I usually tell her, WOW, NEED SOME CARBS???  I will tell you she is a very beautifu woman, and very skinny..I hate you WASA!!!  in a good way....
Kate -True Brit
on 1/31/11 3:01 am - UK

rere49, I have no problem at all with people posting their bad experiences. My problem is with people being told they are idiots. I have been called a liar and a hypocrite, asked how I could sleep at night while posting lies about the band. These two give excellent advice and support on many occasions, but they can be rude, aggressive and intolerant. This in fact does not help their case against the band! People like M.N and Zee Starlite who post calmly of their bad experiences are much more effective!

And JeanM was inuslted by Lynne's response to a recent post - Lynne basically poked fun by using religion. Not nice!

It is this to which i object.


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


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