Slow weight loss

on 1/30/11 8:08 pm - United Kingdom
My sister is 10 weeks post surgery. Initially she lost 30 pounds but in the last 2 weeks only lost one pound. What could be going on? How can I suppport her? Thank you.
on 1/30/11 10:52 pm - Charlestown, RI
Thats completely normal!  I am 7 weeks post-op and I stalled the past 2 weeks also....tell her not to worry about that!  It happens and probably will more than once!  Our bodies have to adjust every now and then to the weight loss and it could be many different reasons why she has stalled for a bit....for me, I really think its because it was my TOM and Im hoping now that its gone, it will start to move again.  Just tell her to really focus on her choices in foods (not too many carbs)....her portion control....etc.  If she gets discouraged at her first stall its going to be a really long journey for her.  Slow and steady is good.
on 1/30/11 11:24 pm

after about 10 weeks post it went down from losing 4-5 pounds per week down to one to two pounds per week.

I hope she knows with the lapband its a slow weight loss and its only one or two pounds per week  or there might be weeks that I wont lose anything but lose three the next week that is just part of having the lapband.

Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/30/11 11:48 pm - Columbia, MD
You can also encourage your sister to change up her exercise.  Our bodies get used to the same type of exercise, so have her try something different or she can increase the intensity of what she is already doing.



                                              Highest Weight--Surgery Weight--Current Weight--Goal
                                                    282                  231                170.3            135
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