Had a good weekend!!! Doing well re-adjusting to restriction...
I had a rough Thurs night / Fri morning due to being too tight. Got a slight unfill and I am feeling great!! I did liquids Fri and most of Sat.
Sat night I went out to dinner with family and everyone wanted Mexican. Boo hiss. My FAVORITE. I couldn't find anything on the menu small enough to order so I had my hubby's side of black beans (between 3/4-1cup). I was actually satisfied!! So I started out kinda grumps.. but ended up happy. This head work is going to take awhile!
I am following all the rules... some I ignored the first time around (not drinking with meals & waiting to drink)... and I am feeling fabulous!! The scale is going down down down... and I can't wait for my "official" weigh in Thurs.
Sat night I went out to dinner with family and everyone wanted Mexican. Boo hiss. My FAVORITE. I couldn't find anything on the menu small enough to order so I had my hubby's side of black beans (between 3/4-1cup). I was actually satisfied!! So I started out kinda grumps.. but ended up happy. This head work is going to take awhile!

I am following all the rules... some I ignored the first time around (not drinking with meals & waiting to drink)... and I am feeling fabulous!! The scale is going down down down... and I can't wait for my "official" weigh in Thurs.

Just wondering about how why you had an unfill. Did you do this on purpose or were you having problems? I am at a terrible stand still and have a 10cc band and it is full. I can't get anymore fills. I have read where some people have some fill taken out to readjust and try to get a jump start again. Is this what you did? Thanks
I had a fill on Thursday that progressively got tighter as the night went on (couldn't swallow my own saliva)... so I had to go in on Friday to back some back out. I just had my port replaced and that was my first fill since the replacement. I was at 5.75cc, he took 1cc out, so I am now at 4.75cc.
How long have you been at a stand still? Have you discussed it with your Dr? Are you experiencing restriction? At 10cc I would hope you are!! Good luck!
How long have you been at a stand still? Have you discussed it with your Dr? Are you experiencing restriction? At 10cc I would hope you are!! Good luck!
This is what im worrying about. I have had 2 tiny fills, and my fault because i lied and said i was feeling restriction so i wouldnt over fill. Now Thurs, im gonna get one under Fluoro. No lying on this one since the doc is looking at it. How does it feel to not be able to swallow ur saliva. Im sooooooo scared of this.
It sucked. Lol. spitting in a cup all night and morning until I could get unfilled. No fun. I had my first 3 fills under fluoro... I really would prefer to have them done that way... but my current Dr doesn't do fills that way.
They can SEE exactly how fluid is going down. It should hopefully get you at an awesome level!! Let me know how it goes!!
They can SEE exactly how fluid is going down. It should hopefully get you at an awesome level!! Let me know how it goes!!