Zee Starrlite
on 1/31/11 5:24 am, edited 1/31/11 5:34 am

I was on this Band forum way back in the day when the DSers would come over and dog the crap out of Bandsters.  Your so called "Negative Nancies" on this board have nothing on DSers.  I personally have always loved DSers especially the older bunch - talk about intelligence!

If we could take a punch or a down right beating then and still succeed with our Bands well then, you can take a little factual information about the Band . . .  that is of course unless you are a wussy.  Have you not got a fight in you  - a good fight because that is what you need to win with the Band.  You will have to fight all the way.  It could be a pleasurable fight.  You can win at it too.  But one thing you should never ever do is burn your bridges!  You may one day find yourself losing the battle even though you gave every single fiber of your being to winning it.  You may need the hand that you bit.  Luckily you will never get turned away.  We all fall - it is only human.

Come on people!  Stop being weak!  You decided on the Band, you got the Band, work it. Know that YES, the odds are stacked against you.  Ajustable Gastric Banding is showing poor results long term.  That is the truth!  Hurt as it may is it the damned truth - now swallow it and win despite it.  Just like I am swallowing that I am now unbanded without a revision and working and winning in a game with poor statistics - I am trying my very best, giving my very all to being one of the 2-5% who lose weight with diet and exercise alone.  I have to believe the game I am in even if the odds are stacked against me.  You know what though, I kiss the hands that may feed me because I just might need to be fed one day.

Look at this, look at this   I printed this and I cried for these people.  I didn't even think it was this bad.  With a second post,  I requested more positive Band experiences from you guys.   I want you to do well because I know that desire -I wanted to do well AND I did despite all my obstacles and the odds with the Band.

Hate me if you choose.  I ain't movin"

ttp://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/amos/4304076/PLEASE-RESPOND -Explain-your-Lap-Band-AGB-Experience/#35460789 

 I am sending some love over here along with some truth.


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

(deactivated member)
on 1/31/11 6:11 am, edited 1/31/11 6:16 am - ~Somewhere in~, PA
Leila first of all I want to say I am very sorry about you losing your band, the band can be the toughest weight loss surgery in terms getting the weight off, I am sure you KNEW this going in like I did. The band can be a fickle creature and CAN AND WILL turn on you if someone keeps it too tight, I've been there I almost suffered a slip so I KNOW what the band CAN do if someone keeps it too tight too long.

Are you to blame for your complications? Who knows, perhaps you had some hidden issues with your esophagus that was not detected during your pre op testing, I mean come on now, there is really no need to bash the band and harass people on the band boards, I think it's OK to tell people about your complications; people NEED to know what will happens if  someone vomits daily with their bands, this is nothing against you but you need to be truthful and OUT RIGHT ABOUT YOUR COMPLICATIONS AND WHAT LEAD UP TO THAT POINT, don't you remember you posted about you used to cleanse your pouch by silently PBIng every night? I mean you need to be truthful about your problem Leila GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY and you are not being totally truthful about why you had your band removed. I am not flaming you, but remember I REMEMBER EVERY SINGLE BAND BASHER FROM DAY ONE of their problem and DAILY VOMITING with the band. YOU WERE WARNED from the OLD SCHOOL VET BANDSTERS of frequent vomiting and what would happen, sometimes people can get away with it for awhile but sooner or later it will come back to haunt.

Have I had issues with my band? You damn right I have, I've had reflux and even almost slipped my band but I was RESPONSIBLE and got saline removed before permanent damage was done my body and my band, some people will go MONTHS before dragging into the doctor to remove saline band by that time permanent damage is done and THEN you want to BLAME OTHERS FOR YOUR PROBLEMS and say the band is DANGEROUS and everyone is doomed? Please try to PULL THIS OVER SOMEONE ELSE'S EYES WHO DON'T HAVE A BAND OK?....

I am sending this to you with hard love and TRUTH TOO...god bless

Edited to Add: Please allow those who are newbies to get the support they need in peace just like you did in the beginning and take your RANTS to the Failed Weight loss boards, I think people will appreciate you if you support people and warn them about the dangers of being too tight, that can be very beneficial to newbies you know like a warning to not walk in your shoes, now that would be very effective.
Lynn C
on 1/31/11 6:17 am
Bravo - you my dear are a strong, smart woman and even without the band you will find a way to make it work- no matter where your path leads!

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

Bette B.
on 1/31/11 6:24 am
 I personally have always loved DSers especially the older bunch - talk about intelligence!

Oh, yeah. People who call a total stranger who happens to be successful with a surgery other than theirs a "lying" "militant" "senile" "old ****" are just SEETHING with "intelligence." That's why out of 9 people I have had to block, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OF THEM are DSers. 


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Michelle F.
on 1/31/11 6:26 am
On January 31, 2011 at 2:24 PM Pacific Time, Bette B. wrote:
 I personally have always loved DSers especially the older bunch - talk about intelligence!

Oh, yeah. People who call a total stranger who happens to be successful with a surgery other than theirs a "lying" "militant" "senile" "old ****" are just SEETHING with "intelligence." That's why out of 9 people I have had to block, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OF THEM are DSers. 

And those were the NICE things they used to say about us!
on 1/31/11 8:37 am - Mexico
Very true about DSers. THAT was band bashing, the vulgar names, literally taking over every thread, laughing at 1 week post ops telling them they have a crap band, a laff band, a choke chain, a dog collar around their stomachs, and they WILL fail... THAT was bashing the band.

The newbies today have no clue, not a damn clue what band bashing is vs. giving people facts before their surgery to make informed choices.

People need to get it through their collective heads that posting SCIENCE is not band bashing, it is what it is. It's not my fault the band doesn't do well for most long term.

Good post, Zee!

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 2/1/11 12:27 am - Rio Rancho, NM
VSG on 04/03/12
On January 31, 2011 at 4:37 PM Pacific Time, WASaBubbleButt wrote:
Very true about DSers. THAT was band bashing, the vulgar names, literally taking over every thread, laughing at 1 week post ops telling them they have a crap band, a laff band, a choke chain, a dog collar around their stomachs, and they WILL fail... THAT was bashing the band.

The newbies today have no clue, not a damn clue what band bashing is vs. giving people facts before their surgery to make informed choices.

People need to get it through their collective heads that posting SCIENCE is not band bashing, it is what it is. It's not my fault the band doesn't do well for most long term.

Good post, Zee!

Yes, good post, Zee!!  And I remember very well how cruel the DSers were back then.  That was the whole reason the R&R board was born, and that got to vile also.  Wow.  I don't see anything on the boards today that even come CLOSE to that kind of hatefulness.

  LapBand Surgery 01/10/08, Revison to Sleeve 04/03/12

on 1/31/11 12:40 pm - Athens, GA

Nope.......plan on being here awhile also...........




(deactivated member)
on 2/1/11 12:47 am
band bashing - in my mind, only comes from those who've never had one.

describing & sharing complications, by those who have or have had a band inside them is fair dialogue.   

when i had my first complication - this place was ridiculously hateful.   shame & blame was the game.    now at least when someone does have a problem, they can find a sympathetic ear.

if someone new is uncomfortable hearing this - then they need not open certain threads or block some & if you block someone, it's a tad ****ty to read around the block and create new threads.
they also don't get to decide where those with questions or problems should post.   if i have i band - i'm posting on the band forum & others for my issues.    there is the back button up on the top left to walk yourself out of a thread, your not interested in.

complications & all - the band i paid for is still working & working well.
i'm actually glad to see this forum be a lot more sympathetic to those with problems - rather than majority rule of those blaming the patient for band failure.

Kate -True Brit
on 2/1/11 3:57 am - UK

 & if you block someone, it's a tad ****ty to read around the block and create new threads.

Was this aimed at me? I konw that I did that yesterday but I haven't blocked the person in question- she has blocked me. And I have never before checked her posts even when people told me she was using me as an example of band problems - knowing I could not read what she said!

But I totally agree with you - people with problems need to post here - both for their own support and to inform others. I think that in general, most vets respond very positively to cries for help. We tell our own positive stories when we have them but we also know that the experience can be very different for others.


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


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