PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!

on 1/31/11 1:41 am
I am sorry about  your esophageal issues  Talk to your Doc.  If you have friends who had lap-band, I would ask them to ask there Doc. too , so you  have  more than one opinion.  I have a lump in my through, for some time now. I have to check into this as well. good luck to you. Sincerely Jane

on 1/31/11 1:51 am - Mexico
I want to tell you about my esophageal problem from all the vomiting and sliming.

I noticed when I was banded, towards the end, that I had a hard time swallowing. It's like it took more effort and I would choke all the time. Reflux then became a killer... it was horrible. We hoped that removing the band would fix it. BTW, I never had more than 0.8cc in my band so it surely wasn't too tight.

Fast forward to today, I have been without my band for over 2.5 years. Removing the band did nothing for my esophageal problems, NADA. It's just as bad today as it was the day before my band was removed. I have to be careful when swallowing or I still choke and the reflux is still just as bad as when I was banded. There are days when I vomit stomach acid every couple of hours. If I take enough meds such as PPIs to help it trashes my liver due to the doses I need. I have Barretts esophagus so I stand a better chance than pre band to end up with esophageal cancer. My teeth are shot from all the vomiting as well.

So my advice to you is to get the band out before it does more damage than it already has. I just don't want others to go through what I do. Learn from my mistakes vs. making your own. ;o)

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
on 2/1/11 12:54 am - NJ
 I have a friend who is having the same problem.
She is taking the band out and having the sleeve procedure.
She needs to loose another 100lbs.
Good luck.
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