Lap Band VS. Gastric Bypass
Did you have anything intelligent to offer the topic or just nasty faces at the facts?
Did you have anything intelligent to offer the topic or just nasty faces at the facts?
Previously Midwesterngirl
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
this place just seems to get weirder and weirder. Its the "head in the sand" club - they'll beat the odds - As God as their witness they will.
I know I felt that way for the first what four years also - its kinda sad.
I know I felt that way for the first what four years also - its kinda sad.

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle
Yep, that's what I thought. Bgrandmabear has nothing intelligent to add to the topic.
Buh bye grandma.
Buh bye grandma.
Previously Midwesterngirl
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
Yep, Lynn. I agree. BUT... in all fairness to us the stats were not available when we were banded. The band was only out for 4-5 years when we were banded and there were no long term US stats.
Those stats are available today, all we can do is warn and then be there for them in a couple of years when they slip, erode, have band intolerance, or a host of other well known, well documented issues. :o(
Those stats are available today, all we can do is warn and then be there for them in a couple of years when they slip, erode, have band intolerance, or a host of other well known, well documented issues. :o(
Previously Midwesterngirl
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
True - I remember how I found out about the band - Late night TV ad - I had rejected bypass as an option and when I saw a commercial for the band I thought - OMG this is the answer - its safe, its reversible, its not as invasive - no cutting of organs
But I was a member of LBT and at that time there was a rash of removals - all done by Mexican doctors. Rather than see that this was the natural life span of the band (they've been done longer in Mexico) everyone blamed it on the fact that the bandsters had gone to Mexico for surgery - US doctors weren't having these problems (but their patients weren't as far out). I ditched LBT to come to OH where there were only rainbows and butterflies in 2005.
Had I paid attention to those ladies or at least had some second thoughts based on what they were saying I might have had a different outcome? But I was sooo gung ho that this was my solution, hindsight is 20/20.
But I was a member of LBT and at that time there was a rash of removals - all done by Mexican doctors. Rather than see that this was the natural life span of the band (they've been done longer in Mexico) everyone blamed it on the fact that the bandsters had gone to Mexico for surgery - US doctors weren't having these problems (but their patients weren't as far out). I ditched LBT to come to OH where there were only rainbows and butterflies in 2005.
Had I paid attention to those ladies or at least had some second thoughts based on what they were saying I might have had a different outcome? But I was sooo gung ho that this was my solution, hindsight is 20/20.

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle
Yeah, everything is blamed on Mexican doctors. Loads and loads of bigots out there.
I remember coming HERE when I was first banded and being told I wasn't chewing my protein shakes well enough. Anyone who was having band problems was discredited and chased off. Then I went to LBT and saw others having the same problems. I came back here and nailed idiots to walls and stood my ground. I watched as each person with problems and issues was degraded, discredited, and chased off. That is when my battle against idiots started. When I say idiots I mean the kool aid drinkers that cannot fathom that their precious band could be a problem.
I still see it today. Check out people who are really struggling with restriction issues, people who hope and pray they have a slip so ins can pay for band removal since they can't afford to self pay for band removal. They are treated horribly and blamed for band stats being so bad.
Makes me wish I could believe in a hell so these people would have a fitting place to spend their eternity.
I remember coming HERE when I was first banded and being told I wasn't chewing my protein shakes well enough. Anyone who was having band problems was discredited and chased off. Then I went to LBT and saw others having the same problems. I came back here and nailed idiots to walls and stood my ground. I watched as each person with problems and issues was degraded, discredited, and chased off. That is when my battle against idiots started. When I say idiots I mean the kool aid drinkers that cannot fathom that their precious band could be a problem.
I still see it today. Check out people who are really struggling with restriction issues, people who hope and pray they have a slip so ins can pay for band removal since they can't afford to self pay for band removal. They are treated horribly and blamed for band stats being so bad.
Makes me wish I could believe in a hell so these people would have a fitting place to spend their eternity.
Previously Midwesterngirl
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies: