My "Ten Commandments"

on 1/29/11 5:34 am - Boston, MA
I recently made this list and I keep it on the back of my front door as well as on my desk at work. We've heard it all before but it is something I do find myself referring back to when I find myself slipping so I thought I'd share! Might also help pre-ops/newbies too! :-)

1. Include lean, dense protein with every meal.
2. Eat protein first, then veggies, then carbs.
3. Eat slowly. Take small bites. Chew well.
4. No drinking with 30 minutes of eating.
5. No eating and drinking at the same.
6. Exercise at least 5 days/week.
7. Limit carbs/sugar/fat/alcohol.
8. No straws/carbonation.
9. Drink plenty of water.
10. Get plenty of rest.
~ Liz ~ 30 y/o ~ 5'10
starting (10/4/10): 280
pre-op (10/18/10): 268.5
current (1/4/12): 257.0

on 1/29/11 5:40 am - Norfolk, VA
Thank you for posting that, Iam a newbie to all of this so I appreciate your list.  I will print it out for myself too.  Thanks 
on 1/29/11 6:59 am
I like how you kept it simple.
on 1/29/11 11:56 pm - Canada
You have helped me as a pre-op... these are rules I can incorporate now... in anticipation... thanks for that.
Kate -True Brit
on 1/30/11 7:46 am - UK

I'm with you on all but #8. According to my doc the rules on carbonation were put in place because they thought it might be necessary. But he says that research has not shown this to be the case. I, like many other bandsters, do have some carobnated drinks. But not too fizzy or it is uncomfortable!  I have never been told by my doc not to use straws - but it is not something I would be likely to do anyway!

And I should do # 6! Will do some year if i get round to it!!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/30/11 10:40 am - Boston, MA
Kate, it's so funny how 2 different surgeons/nuts will say 2 different things. :-) My nut said the no carbonation is forever, the no straws thing is just for the first year or so. This was actually hard for me to get used to because I drink mostly out of a straw (to preserve the enamel on my teeth, which isn't an issue now since I am drinking mostly water and no soda/juice anyway).

Also, and who knows if this is true or not, but I saw a personal trainer who said there have been studies that show carbonation can impede the release of certain enzymes in our stomach and affect how well we absorb the nutrients in our food. Probably not an issue for us since we are not eating and drinking at the same time, but it got me thinking.

Glad to hear others drink and are okay with carbonation because the things I would do for a diet pepsi become more depraved by the day! haha :-)
~ Liz ~ 30 y/o ~ 5'10
starting (10/4/10): 280
pre-op (10/18/10): 268.5
current (1/4/12): 257.0

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