O.M. Freakin.G --4 Days Post Op

I cannot begin to thank you enough for the insight and support. I was in Walgreens earlier about to pass out and trying my best not to cry..even tho I had tears wellin' up in my eyes. I was honestly feelin like something was wrong. I will not rush back to work and will try to feel better. Imma take it easy so the swellin in my stomach goes down.
Thank you guys again.

Beginning weight before 10 days of liquids: 313. LBS 1/14/11 ** Pre-surgery weight: 298 1/24/11
Confirmed Pregnancy- 3-14-11 ** Birth of Baby girl 11-1-11
*Never expect perfection from an imperfect person.
Hi - I had my surgery a week before you. I've been taking Milk of magnesia twice a week with 8 ounces of water. It's doing the trick for the bloating and constipation. I sure know what you are going through. I had hernia repair also and have a LOT of pain from that still. I still hurt when I yawn and can't sneeze because my ribs hurt. I took 2 weeks off of work but I feel like I should have taken more.
I don't regret the surgery, but I wish I was recovering faster.
My mom in law told me to use MIlk of Magnesia also. I was wondering if most of my pain was due to the hernia repair. I might just take next week off from work as well to make sure I'm healin' well. I hope you start feelin better!

Beginning weight before 10 days of liquids: 313. LBS 1/14/11 ** Pre-surgery weight: 298 1/24/11
Confirmed Pregnancy- 3-14-11 ** Birth of Baby girl 11-1-11
*Never expect perfection from an imperfect person.
As for the feeling of restriction it is normal because the area around the band might have swelled a bit from the surgery. I just was not hungry for a long time....I was ok with that!

We are here and now you are too! So welcome to the losers bench!
I took Senokot from day 1 as my dr. recommended and each time I had to go I got very nausous and miserable feeling. By about the 5th day I went from the recommended dosage of 2 down to 1 so that things would start to return to normal.
I returned to work on the 24th and have tried to watch the restrictions- not lifting >10 lbs. and taking it easy each night.
I did wake up feeling like a human being again by the 22nd but by mid day I was done but from there on each day I felt human for longer and longer. Today I only felt lousy for a couple hours so it really does get better.
Good luck!
One day at a time,

Beginning weight before 10 days of liquids: 313. LBS 1/14/11 ** Pre-surgery weight: 298 1/24/11
Confirmed Pregnancy- 3-14-11 ** Birth of Baby girl 11-1-11
*Never expect perfection from an imperfect person.
I had that pain too and was concerned that maybe I moved wrong and hurt something because it VERY noticeable all day long! I didnt call my Dr though, and it wasnt even phased by the pain pills, but it was gone the next day thank goodness. I never realized the pain killers would cause constipation either. I guess you get rid of one symptom for another!