Handy band tool

on 1/27/11 10:28 pm
 a teenage son.

Every time I can't finish my meal/snack I ask ds if he wants it

Voila! food is gone.

That boy is so helpful!


on 1/27/11 10:59 pm

I hear you, except my children are furry. Three cats and a dog and the leftovers are gone!

on 1/27/11 11:21 pm
I have one of them to Coach comes in pretty handy and plus two furbabies that thinks they need to finish my plate also if I dont oh yes dont forget the husband also lol nobody starves at my house
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/27/11 11:36 pm - Hightstown, NJ
, good one.  I also have a husband that's good for it too.
on 1/27/11 11:39 pm
LOL!  No kids yet for me but I do have my hubby as my "garbage disposal" but lately, we've just been throwing food out.  He had gained about 30 pounds over 2 years after my surgery because he would eat whatever I couldnt' finish.  He was feeling that extra 30 pounds and lost it all and a little more by not finishing off my plate!  When my brother is over, he is my garbage disposal for the day... he's an athlete and excercises like crazy so he loves to eat my leftovers because it's usually protein rich!

all the weight has been lost post-op..I LOVE MY BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

highest weight: 333 pounds (I know I gained after my last "weigh in" in the doctors office so probably it's more like 340 pounds)
current weight: 151 pounds (7/12/11)
I've been at goal (165 pounds) for 6 months now and now on maintence.  I tend to go up and down depending on time of the month and such! 

on 1/27/11 11:43 pm
LOL Jeepers,

I hate going out to eat with hubby now lol I need to send him there about a good 1/2 hr before I do . He has to finish his plate and goodness its a sin to leave anything on my plate so that has to be cleaned up also

So I sit there drumming my fingers can we go now can we go now like a little kid lol once Im done eating I want out there I dont want to sit around
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/27/11 11:55 pm
 When I go out with just my dh for dinner we only order 1 entree (usually a good steak..in a bit of a larger cut) and a side salad of some sort.  I eat part of the salad and the steak, dh eats the rest.  Perfect band meal and cheap too.

When we go out as a family I often order what I want...know I have 3 teens who will be happy to clean up any leftovers...or I bring it home.  My kids are even encouraging...they say, "go ahead mom, orderit...you know you won't fini****but we will"  lol

on 1/28/11 12:25 am - Richmond, Canada
Hi fellow banders!

Great points. My hubby and I usually split meals or order a coupld of appies for variety. My husband is the best supporter. He to like to watch his waist. The difference I look at food and gain wait. Not him.

Have a great Friday!


on 1/28/11 2:25 am - Oceanside, NY
 Unfortunatly my son and dh tends to love the "special Band" food I buy. 
My DH is good on my leftovers tho.
Keep out of the stuff i can eattttttttt
on 1/28/11 2:53 am - Hightstown, NJ

When we go out to eat DH knows not to touch my food later because I can have 2 or sometimes 3 meals from it; but why is it when your kids come over to visit you shell it out to them w/o second thought.


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