Negative Nancies Need NOT TO RESPOND

on 1/30/11 7:47 am - CA
Thanks Hislady for your post...I love it! I have blocked the people I do not care to read any longer...but when you are getting personal messages saying you dont know anything and are being called names...I mean come on! But yes...Carry ON CARRY ON:) Thanks for the post
on 1/30/11 8:02 am - Vancouver, WA
Sorry you got nasty PM's that is uncalled for, you have every right to be annoyed by that. There are sick folks out there everywhere so just ignore the meanies. I wish you nothing but the best with your band.
on 1/30/11 8:10 am - CA
Yeah and saying GO AHEAD BLOCK ME...I cant wait til your band fails and your trying to be my friend.....Wow! 
on 1/30/11 8:13 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
I have blocked those people who are negative and make disparaging comments. It's so much nicer without them.

Just go to the lower part of their responses and hit "block".

It really makes a big difference!!

Good luck!

on 1/30/11 8:33 am - Athens, GA

~But why is it all the FAILED BANDSTERS feel the need to come into the LAPBAND FORUM and do nothing but talk trash about the band and shove it down our throats?~

Define "FAILED BANDSTERS". Some of those that u are calling "FAILED BANDSTERS" were probabaly actually "SUCCESSFUL BANDSTERS" by band standards. I know Wasa lost all of her weight before she had to have her band removed b/c of band complications. PERMANENT complications!

I have lost 70 lbs. since being banded, so by band standards...............I am also considered a "BAND SUCCESS". I'm not of course, b/c I have lost from dieting. But if u want to say that anyone that "talks trash about the band" is a "FAILED BANDSTER".............u might want to rethink that.

And as to why ppl with band problems come on the band forum and discuss their band issues................THEY DO IT B/C THEY CARE! THEY DO IT B/C THEY WANT TO EDUCATE OTHERS THAT MIGHT NOT HAVE RESEARCHED IT VERY WELL SO THEY DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE!

~Lets stay positive people..~

Well how about "let's stay realistic"?!

~If not go to the MAIN FORUM and ***** and complain all you want!~

Excuse me? WTF should I have to go to the main forum? I have a band. This is MY forum! So now u decide who can and can't post on the band forum????? Nice going Hitler!


on 1/30/11 9:17 am - CA post had nothing to do with you! I have never once had a rude message from honestly it had nothing to do with you. Im sorry you have had issues with your band...Im glad you care to help people...there is a nice way to help someone and a proper way...which Im sure is the way you go about it...Some are not like that! Call me Hitler if you must...
on 1/30/11 9:21 am - CA
And these people did not have bands any longer!
on 1/30/11 9:41 am - Athens, GA

A lot of bandsters have had to have their bands removed b/c of complications. Those that care about others come back to the band forum to educate. You say you have researched completely and I beleive u. That is what we want for know what can REALLY happen with the band. If someone has researched it completely and are happy with their decision then I wish them all the luck in the world. There are a few ppl that do well with the band. I sincerly hope you are one of them!!!

Please know that those you are angry with have their reasons for coming back to the band forum. It is NOT to upset those that already have their band, it is to educate those pre-op, and also to let bandsters that are having issues with their bands know that they are NOT alone, and to be THEIR support system! Unfortunatly the ones that need support the most on here are the bandsters that are least likely to get support on the band forum. :-(


on 1/30/11 9:58 am - CA
Maria...Im sorry we got off on the wrong foot....You say these things with heart and like you do care. The others who were sending me horrible messages were totally the opposite of you. Thank you for your knowledge and sharing your experience openly.....Im sorry the band has not worked for u!
on 1/30/11 10:38 am - Athens, GA
I'm sorry as well Renee. U should not be getting nasty messages!


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