Negative Nancies Need NOT TO RESPOND

on 1/30/11 2:30 am - CA
BIGOT....HAHAHAHA! Did I say mexicans were not bright? That is your own words there! Ashamed of myself? NOPE NOT AT ALL!!!! You should be though! I see you on everyones posts talking crap about other members....belittling people...being negative. Get a life!!! You know nothing about me!!!! You are the most bitter dramatic person I have ever seen on any type of website! You are the only one who likes reading your own posts...Thank you because now you give the rest of us something to laugh about! Honestly thanks for your opinions....much appreciated
Kate -True Brit
on 1/30/11 2:29 am - UK

Renee, i came back to see how this thread was going and it is clear that two of the people I have blocked or who have blocked me are putting in their normal venom.

BLOCK them! 98% of the drama immediately goes. Both WasaBB and Lynne B post studies to show their own pov - unfortunately they won't see my thread later on today in which I try to restore the balance a bit by posting a list of different studies.

They are bitter! With some reason - both of them had bad experiences with their bands. But they go too far and simply make themselves odious!  Block them but listen to others who had bad experiences but have not become bitter and blinkered. We learn from people like N.M and Zee Starlite. People like WasaBB and Lynne just irritate! Much easier not to see their posts - then they won't see and reply to yours! Although WasaBB obviously signs out to read mine sometimes as she replies to them!! Glad she thinks I am worth reading! I don't return the compliment!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/30/11 2:38 am - CA
Thanks lady...BLOCKED for sure! Wow what a winner....goes around making fun of people and talking crap about them....just the kind of person I want in my life...nope!
on 1/30/11 2:38 am - Mexico
~~Wait you are in Mexico...that wouldnt surprise me! My whiny post was not talking about EVERYONE ELSE being wrong its about people like you! Seriously...If you had you surgery in Mexico that should have been hint #1!!! ~~

Yes, bigot. That is what you are. The above are your words.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
(deactivated member)
on 1/30/11 4:04 am - Modesto, CA
Okay, let me go ahead and say something that will will probably make alot of people angry -   I think anyone who comes online and says I think I may leave or is leaving because of the negativity on the board should just go ahead and leave.  I'm not going to ask you to stay.  This is a public forum and anyone should be allowed to post. Even if you don't like it or don't agree.   If you don't like their post - block them or leave, but quit whining about it.  I've been on this board for over two years and I've read alot of things I don't like, but you know what?  You take what you want from what you read.  The true bashers, as much as I get tired of them, are on what they think is a crusade to protect people from the evil band.  Let them do their thing and you do yours.  Post positive experiences.  Don't get in fights with them because no one wins.  It's a battle that will never end so you need to just get over it.  Whether the band is good or bad, we chose to go with it and we are either happy with our decision or we aren't.  Their bashing shouldn't impact you and you should just say, "oh yeah, another one," and get on with your life being happy with your choice.  I'm nor trying to be rude or mean or whatever.  I'm just tired of the complaints about people who post not positive things about bands.  Some of those not positive things are warranted and people should know that they may happen to them.  The band is far from perfect.  No surgery is perfect.  That said, I am happy with my band and pray that I'll never have any of those problems, but I don't get angry when people post about them. I will get off my soapbox now and wish everyone a positive and happy journey with their band.

on 1/30/11 4:20 am - TN
Thanks, Cat. I totally agree. Everyone should feel comfortable to post their experiences, positive, negative, and anywhere in between.

And congrats on your success with the band, I also hope you never have any problems with yours.



on 1/30/11 4:26 am - CA
So ladies...tell me this...Is it okay that the Failed Bansters( the same few ) always respond to my positive posts to newbies who are interested in the ladband....and anytime I tell people what my experience has been from the beginning of preop and now on to post op...those failed bandsters post things about me stating I DONT KNOW ANYTHING...IGNORE RENEE BECAUSE SHE IS A NEW BANDSTER WHO THINKS SHE KNOWS ANYTHING.....WOW A WHOLE 8 DAYS....BLAH BLAH....That is extremely rude! Like you are saying shouldnt anyone feel comfortable posting anything anywhere? Thats why I think negativity should be in the main forum.
on 1/30/11 4:14 am - CA
How is anything of what I said whining? Im letting my friends know why I am leaving and my opinion. How is it okay for the negative people to post their opinion but when I do Im whining? I know what I signed up for....I did my research and I am happy. I pray to God I dont ever have any of their issues either. For a while now I have ignored it...but enough is enough for me. Also...I wasnt asking for anyone to beg me to stay! 
(deactivated member)
on 1/30/11 4:25 am
How is it okay for the negative people to post their opinion but when I do Im whining?

those who posted negatively (your word) - are those who have actually gone through a bad band experience.   they lived it - whereby you are voicing an opinion.
i read the other thread & you suggested failure came from poor surgeon or patient = opinion ... not truthful in the least.

nobody wants a complication, certainly not someone such as yourself with just a few wks into the process.  but they do happen & those who've experienced them, should be able to voice outside the complication forum.  

if your going to leave - you'll do yourself a big disservice in knowledge of living with the band & possible needing to vent .... should something go afoul.

on 1/30/11 4:27 am - TN
Your post has generated so many responses that I'm sure if any of your friends missed it and ask where you've been, someone will let them know.

Just remember OH is here should you need it.

Good luck,


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