Negative Nancies Need NOT TO RESPOND
******Not saying that I have seen any mean negative stuff on this board, Im just talking from past experience with many different types of message boards.****

You are an asset to all of us, and we all need eachothers support to succeed at this. Please dont leave, you are needed and your input and support is greatly appreciated

You could create your own personal "Only Happy People" group then you can control who joins and what they are allowed to say. Your group may sound like this:
Bob "I'm so happy"
Tanya "I'm so happy too!!"
Karen " I'm so happy I pooped a rainbow"
Sam "Um, I have a little problem"
Karen "I'm soooooo happy"
**** happens and it happens a lot with the band - does that mean that those who have had problems should go hide under a rock and not exist?? I was a very successful banster (an overachiever) 80lbs year one, 20 year 2 - then nothing, then regain. Contrary to popular belief - just because I had problems doesn't mean it was my fault (if it were my insurance company wouldn't have paid for me to have a revision). I loved my band when I had it, I fought with those who called a crapband and chokechain. But now I can see just how easy it is for something to go wrong - band slips because you had food poisoning - come on, that is just not safe.
So yes, if someone asks for opinions about getting a band I will continue to tell them not to do it and I will continue to post or provide access to the scientific study facts that say the band is not what it is advertised to be by the big American corporation that makes tons of money off of it.
If someone is aware and is OK with the fact that they have over a 50% chance of at least one additional surgery in the first 5 years and a 75% chance of band removal by year 10 then that is fine. But when I see posts that say "I didn't even know banster hell existed" then I know people are focusing on the "its so safe and easy" message and its not.
Good luck.

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

First, you have to understand that this forum and any other group focused around a common interest is just a microcosm of the world and filled with different beliefs, preferences, experiences and opinions.
Sometimes I chuckle at that fact that there are some people who think that we are disgusting, along with this site. Why? Because to them, we were ALL fat, lazy, counter-productive, self-indulgent slobs who couldn't control what we put in our mouths and had to have a surgery to fix that problem for us. They wonder, sometimes outloud, why we couldn't just be normal, eat right and excercise like everyone else. Just as there are people who blame bandsters on the impending "one WLS per lifetime" policy, there are folks who blame ALL of us for their insurance premiums increasing. Along my journey through all of the paperwork and testing for this surgery, I encountered two people who were both morbidly obese (one was a close friend and the other was a co-worker) who both had no qualms in telling me that they "didn't believe in weight loss surgery". So people like that could care less which procedure any of us chose, they just think that we're disgusting. Period.
I said all of that to say, there will always be people who don't agree with what you do, no matter the reason. I actually stayed away from OH for a few weeks after my surgery because I wanted to establish my own baseline for how I was feeling, eating and moving. This is supposed to be a place for support, but don't ever underestimate the power of how much of an effect negativity, real or perceived, can have on your psyche.
High five to you and to us all for being in control, making the decision that was best for us and for succeeding in taking back control.

If you are looking for someone to shove rainbows and puppy dogs up your back side then start your own forum and ban anyone that doesn't post as you wish.
But you are a newbie, you have no clue what you are talking about. You are blaming horrific band stats on doctors and aftercare. Did I mention you have no clue what you are talking about?
According to the band makers 88% of people have complications. You tell me, considering a monkey could band someone (easiest surgery to do) then why do so many surgeons have poor skills and aftercare for banded people but those same surgeons have great skill and aftercare for the difficult procedures to do?
You want to go? Go. You want to stay, stay. But these drama filled, whiny posts about everyone ELSE being wrong are silly.
And btw, I am not a failed banded person. I weighed 125# at the time of my revision and weigh the same today. The band failed me, big difference.
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
If you are looking for someone to shove rainbows and puppy dogs up your back side then start your own forum and ban anyone that doesn't post as you wish.
But you are a newbie, you have no clue what you are talking about. You are blaming horrific band stats on doctors and aftercare. Did I mention you have no clue what you are talking about?
According to the band makers 88% of people have complications. You tell me, considering a monkey could band someone (easiest surgery to do) then why do so many surgeons have poor skills and aftercare for banded people but those same surgeons have great skill and aftercare for the difficult procedures to do?
You want to go? Go. You want to stay, stay. But these drama filled, whiny posts about everyone ELSE being wrong are silly.
And btw, I am not a failed banded person. I weighed 125# at the time of my revision and weigh the same today. The band failed me, big difference.
If you are looking for someone to shove rainbows and puppy dogs up your back side then start your own forum and ban anyone that doesn't post as you wish.
Did I mention you have no clue what you are talking about?
considering a monkey could band someone (easiest surgery to do

What do you get out of intimidating people who are just trying to get support for their chosen method of WLS? Perhaps you are employed by your "surgeon" and looking for financial gain??
Stay here and give advice, but please try not to insult people...
Q: How much weight will I lose?
A: If the band is in the right position and you are committed to your new lifestyle and eating habits, you may lose between one-third and two-thirds of your excess weight. It is important that you lose weight gradually over a period of 12 to 18 months or more. Rapid weight loss represents a health risk and can be associated with a variety of problems, of which nausea and vomiting are only the most minor examples. A weight loss of 2-3 pounds a week in the first year after the operation is a possibility but certainly not a rule. Twelve to 18 months after the operation, weekly weight loss is usually less. Remember that your primary goal is to achieve a weight loss that prevents, improves or resolves health problems associated with obesity or morbid obesity.
One final point:
It is important that you ask your surgeon all the questions you may have regarding obesity surgery and the LAP-BAND Adjustable Gastric Banding System, and it is essential that you follow his or her recommendations.
I went into banding knowing this up front, did my research and decided to go for it fully informed; no puppies and rainbows...the information your surgeon posts on his website is consistent with what I was told by mine (and the others I interviewed while researching). For me, to lose 1/3-2/3 of my excess weight is ideal...meaning I would lose between 50-100 lbs, slowly, through behavior modification, with my band there to keep me from being hungry between meals.If I were to need a revision because my band failed, I would probably choose the sleeve, BUT I am doing everything I can to ensure that does not happen.
It really isn't necessary to get your point across by insulting people's intelligence. You don't know what they do or do not know or what they have done to research their choice of surgery. You don't know what other mitigating factors there might be that influence their choice. It really is off-putting when a person posts and you come out with both barrels blasting with the personal lose your audience, thus defeating your assumed purpose.
Please reconsider using this sort of behavior to get your point isn't working.
I am a newbie and have learned so much from this site in just the first month here. I learned about foamies, which I have and didn't know what it was. I learned other people throw up due to eating to fast. From this site, I eat slower and slower each meal. I feel a connection to people here. I don't pay attention to the negative things. I try to focus on the positive and helpful information. This is the was I have chosen to go for my weight loss. Theres' no looking back. So, thank you everyone for all your information and help. Please stay .
You dumbass, who do you think TRAINED US surgeons in banding? Yeah, that would be Mexican surgeons. The band was approved in MX in 1991, it wasn't approved in the US until 2001. It was the MX surgeons that perfected the placement technique and then trained US surgeons when it was approved here 10 years later.
Had you gotten off your dead arse and done a bit of research before having major surgery you would have known this information.
I think you should go as you whined. Bigots are not typically welcomed anywhere. How many Mexicans do YOU think are posting here?
You are nothing but a whiny, bigot lowlife that needs a lesson in banding and reality. Do as you say, go away.
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies: