Negative Nancies Need NOT TO RESPOND
PLEASE don't leave. I really know what you mean about the negativity, I commented about it before. I believe the majority of us were and are not going to subject ourselves to major surgery without doing a lot of research and soul searching. It's our right to choose what we truly feel is the correct path for us. There are lots of different paths to obesity and just as many paths and reasons to come back from there. Some of us are emotional eaters and some volume etc. There is no reason any of us should be made to feel stupid or ashamed of the choice we made. I applaud anyone who is on the health and weight loss journey. We all deserve a pat on the back for trying to get healthy and lose weight regardless of what procedure we choose. It is in my opinion wrong for anyone to come here and say we should have the band taken out and go get the RIGHT? surgery. I have personally known people who died, had major complications and regained their weight on the bypass. I don't think that would give me the right to go to the bypass site and tell everyone looking for support that they shouldn't do it because they'll probably die etc.WLS is not one size fits all. If you had bad luck with the band tell us what happened so we can be aware of possible issues but quoting stats and saying we chose wrong is really not productive or helpful in any way. If weight loss were easy we wouldn't be here. It's hard and we need all the love and support we can get. It's easy to do nothing and keep eating. Some ppl are just bitter and never positive and I wish they'd learn to keep it to themselves. It's the equivalent of going to an AA meeting and shouting a lot of stats to show most of the ppl there aren't gonna be able to quit drinking. It's pointless. I'm tired of hearing it already.

(deactivated member)
on 1/29/11 9:48 pm - alexandria, VA
on 1/29/11 9:48 pm - alexandria, VA
I so agree with you!
, there are so many people that got the bypass and have had horrible life threatening complication MANY died, and most of my friends that got the bypass have a low quality life now and they are considered successful, they have had many surgeries for bowel obstruction, adhesion's, problems eating daily due to not being able to tolerate carbs and this is sadly a way of life for them, I think there is bitterness towards successful bandsters, I am going on 3 years and to date I only had about 3 pbs where I mildly spit up from eating too quickly and is the only complication that I have experienced with my band a quick spit up...and if you call that a complication so be it...I think compared to being a on a feeding tube, dangerous dumping, severe vitamin deficiencies, hypoglycemia, strictures, bowel obstructions, daily real vomiting, ulcers, and many more horrific problems that bypass people deal with daily...I will welcome a mild spit up anytime with my band caused by me eating too fast.

i agree. while i did develop a slip with the band and was revised to a sleeve. i love my band...i lost 8o lbs with it. and everyone has a personal choice and that is why i chose the band in the beg and im happy i did. they just started doing the sleeve in my area, and actually the only way u can get the sleeve is if you had the band first. i have friends who are doing great with the i support them!!!!
Also the people who promote their cause for financial gain
If you're including me in that group, I'd be happy to send you a copy of my financial statement showing that so far, I've gained $00 from selling Bandwagon. In fact, I'm $600 in the hole. Any money I make from that book goes to paying for legitimate ads here on OH - they aren't free, you know. Now I just need to sell 50 books so I'm no longer in debt. After which point I may begin making money off Bandwagon sales, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that since I am a writer and selling books and articles is how most of us writers pay for our groceries.
Of course you can report the outrageous posts to OH, but since OH prides itself on its policy of allowing members to post the good, the bad, and the ugly about WLS, they probably won't do anything about those posts unless they specifically violate the OH terms of service. Sometimes I do report the really bad posts with a suggestion that the whole thread be moved to the Rants & Raves forum.
If you're including me in that group, I'd be happy to send you a copy of my financial statement showing that so far, I've gained $00 from selling Bandwagon. In fact, I'm $600 in the hole. Any money I make from that book goes to paying for legitimate ads here on OH - they aren't free, you know. Now I just need to sell 50 books so I'm no longer in debt. After which point I may begin making money off Bandwagon sales, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that since I am a writer and selling books and articles is how most of us writers pay for our groceries.
Of course you can report the outrageous posts to OH, but since OH prides itself on its policy of allowing members to post the good, the bad, and the ugly about WLS, they probably won't do anything about those posts unless they specifically violate the OH terms of service. Sometimes I do report the really bad posts with a suggestion that the whole thread be moved to the Rants & Raves forum.
Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon. Read my blog at:
I'm a fighter and when I started to have a really hard time losing my weight....I did sit around feeling sorry for myself and cursed my choice in surgery. But why wallow??? I thought I can sit here and do nothing or go down with a fight....and that's exactly what I did.
I wonder how many people out there ae like me,,,BUT just give up and blame the band. Sure the band might not have been the magical tool we had hoped for. But I was told from the beginning that the Band requires more work than other surgeries. I guess I didn't count on just how hard I would have to work. So I have worked hard and I am a success now. Almost two years out and I am finally losing at a fast pace now. I lost 13 pounds this month!!! Now I have to work damn hard for those pounds. I sweat my ass off in the gym 90 minutes a day, 6 days a week. But hey look at me I'm losing lots of weight now!!! Isn't that better than feeling sorry for myself. So I say to all fo those people out there cursing their band get off your ass and exercise...and I mean really exercise. See my prior posts for details of my routine.
I wonder how many people out there ae like me,,,BUT just give up and blame the band. Sure the band might not have been the magical tool we had hoped for. But I was told from the beginning that the Band requires more work than other surgeries. I guess I didn't count on just how hard I would have to work. So I have worked hard and I am a success now. Almost two years out and I am finally losing at a fast pace now. I lost 13 pounds this month!!! Now I have to work damn hard for those pounds. I sweat my ass off in the gym 90 minutes a day, 6 days a week. But hey look at me I'm losing lots of weight now!!! Isn't that better than feeling sorry for myself. So I say to all fo those people out there cursing their band get off your ass and exercise...and I mean really exercise. See my prior posts for details of my routine.
Please don't leave. The WLS Wars wax and wane, they can distract us from the important stuff, but everybody's entitled to their opinion and OH's advertising manager told me that OH prides itself on allowing members to tell the good, the bad, and the ugly about WLS.
I used to jump into the fray every time a scuffle started...finally realized it was a waste of time and energy.
I used to jump into the fray every time a scuffle started...finally realized it was a waste of time and energy.
Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon. Read my blog at: