Negative Nancies Need NOT TO RESPOND

on 1/29/11 2:21 pm - CA
I think I may leave this site....I am a very positive person and this site has become alot of negativity and I don't need that nor want it. I did tons of research on my wls of choice....I made my decision...and I have trust in GOD I will survive and succeed! I know tons of people and family members who have done many types of different WLS...And some have failed and some have done awesome! Some complications and some none! Most of them have said it was either not doing enough research on their surgeon and the aftercare there...and others were not fallowing all the rules. Some WLS just isnt for some people....But why is it all the FAILED BANDSTERS feel the need to come into the LAPBAND FORUM and do nothing but talk trash about the band and shove it down our throats? It really makes me mad! I understand your trying to help...but seriously! Im here to make friends and cheer along people for their accomplishments not bash them for their WLS of choice! Lets stay positive people...If not go to the MAIN FORUM and ***** and complain all you want! and yeah so what if I have had the band 8 days or 8 years...I can do the same research you can! Just wish me luck and get the heck outta here! xoxoxo
on 1/29/11 2:38 pm
I vote for you not leaving! Stay for the positive people, to help in ways you can, to receive help when you need it. I agree with what you said, I don't understand it either, I've learned to ignore the N.N.'s If you feel you need a break, I understand, but don't leave!
 Mari  Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!
on 1/29/11 2:40 pm - CA
Thank you Mari! I totally appreciate the NN's trying to help....and warn people.....but its seriously like on every new persons posts...they are the first to jump and say negative gets so old!
on 1/29/11 2:43 pm
I know, I've been on the receiving end of a few of those negative posts. Some people "block" them. I choose to ignore it, they didn't bother me way back when I was a newbie, thank goodness. I can't even imagine how it would have felt.
Just stay on the board if you can and help out the newbies with YOUR experience.
 Mari  Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!
Stephanie M.
on 1/31/11 12:26 am
You will see my first post at way down the list, but I want to reassure you that it generally is the same people who do this over and over...after a while you will learn to ignore them and just move on.  Your type of post happens every couple of weeks...and it is too bad.  The NNs just scare people off the board don't necessarily deter them from getting their band, thus defeating the purpose of the NN posting!  LOL....I got pretty frustrated earlier in my WLS journey when I would post a question or response and they would pipe up with comments that were unkind, rude or just plain mean.  They only see banding from their perspective and apparently cannot handle the fact that the band did not work for them, so they have to assign blame to it rather than take some of the responsibility for the failure themselves.

Early on I had a couple of people blocked, but then some of the threads made no sense...I only have one person blocked now, because she got very personal in her attacks. 

Hang in there, don't let them get you down!


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 1/29/11 2:46 pm - CA
Yes..even if I ever have negitive issues with my band I will not blab it around...its like post it on your own profile or on a FAILED band site....and if people want to search for it they can find it ya know! Thanks Mari for your support! 
on 1/29/11 5:17 pm - TN
I agree that there is no need to bash anyone on OH for any reason, but I think you should reconsider your stance that people with band problems should be kicked off the forum. I hope your band is awesome and you never know the pain of a failed band, but should you ever struggle for any reason, I hope you don't feel unwelcome on the forum.

Best wishes,


on 1/30/11 1:59 am - CA
Thank you...but I NEVER said anyone should be kicked out...I just said they should go to the main forum
on 1/30/11 2:32 am - TN
Right...kicked off the Lap-Band forum...
Stephanie M.
on 1/31/11 12:29 am
That's not what she said...

If not go to the MAIN FORUM and ***** and complain all you want!   Is what she said....give her a break.


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


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