Statistics from a pro-bandster

Kate -True Brit
on 1/30/11 12:43 am - UK
This is a post I made some months ago. It does not prove the band is infallible! But what it does do is show that those who post the figures that show the band in the worst light are being selective! Some of these studies were clearly very negative about the band but others involving 1000s of patients over as long as 12 years found very low complication and removal rates.

The jury is still out!

I tried to paste this as a table but the formatting went wrong so the columns don't "fit". Please note (as my doc pointed out) that the first set all deal with bands implanted using the older perigastric technique which had a HIGHER complication rate than the pars flaccida which is now used. In addition, the more recent bands are supposed to be better than the old 4cc bands. I do not know the country of origin of the studies, neither have I read them myself. I was given a warning that the journal in which they appear is strictly copyright and so I am not publishing that on the net! But if anyone wants to know, PM me.  I am not clear on copyright law and don't want to fall foul of it!

Clearly the results are not consistent! 

                     patients       over time       port/tubing probs     slips/dilation         erosion     re-ops

Favrotti           1791           12 years           11.2%                   3.9%               0.9%           5.9%
Vertuyen         543              7                         2.9                      4.6                   0.9            6.8
Weiner            984              8                         2.5                      4.5                   0.3            3.9
O'Brien           709              6                          3.6                    12.5                   2.8           18.9
Chevalier       1000              7                          5.7                    10.4                  0.3           11.0
Zehetner         190              6                         2.6                      2.6                   2.1            8.5
Zinzindohoue  500             3                          7.8                      8.6                     0             10.4
Tolonen            280           7                          10.6                     6.5                   3.3            24.4
Miceletto           684           5                          6.8                       6.1                    1.0          6.3
Dargent           1180           7                         none stated          8.8                    1.8          12.7

The following are shorter term studies all using the more modern pars flaccida technique.

Ponce            1014             4                         1.2                        2.3                    0.2         8 removed
parikh              749              3                         2.4                        2.9                   0.1           10.7
Holloway          500             3                        9.2                        5.0                   1.0           not stated
Watkins          2411            3                         2.3                        5.1                   0.1              8
Singhal           1140            3                        0.35                      0.26                  0.09        2.1     

Please note that I am not entering into any "my stats are better than your stats"  about this! I post out of interest to others and am not coming back to read the replies!  I get bored with being slammed for liking my band! These stats neither support not repudiate my own views!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/30/11 1:03 am
Love reading your post please keep posting for the newbees that need your support
on 1/30/11 1:07 am - Norfolk, VA
Thank you for posting that, I really appreciate it.  If I can figure out how I will print it out so I can keep it with my WLS folder.  I take it with me places so I can read, compare and research stuff when Im waiting for an appt or my kids to get out of school etc. 
on 1/31/11 5:43 am
Great idea never thought about printing good stuff to read later
on 1/30/11 1:54 am - West Yarmouth, MA
Thank  you so much Kate! 
Surgery 1/6/11 , 14ml band - 0ml fill      
Jean M.
on 1/30/11 5:51 am
Revision on 08/16/12
Thanks, Kate.

Personally, statistics of almost any kind make my eyes cross, but it's refreshing to see some statistics that don't cast the adjustable gastric band in a villain's role.


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: 





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