nervouse dull pain in chest

on 1/29/11 9:15 pm
When I lay down in bed at night I have this dull aching pain in my chest that hurst more when I breathe deeply. It is okay when I am sitting upright I can't really feel it. I am freking out b/c my mind is racing about what it could be since I have this thing in my body. please respond and let me know what it could be. I am planning on calling my doc toorrow but I would like some peace of mind today. thanks
on 1/30/11 2:39 am - Rockledge, FL
 sounds like reflux.. however with chest pains of any kind.. SEEE your doctor.. please :)....not knowing your age, risk factors etc i really cant offer anything else ..
***not a medical opinion***
on 1/30/11 2:59 am - Highland, NY
i agree make sure you get to doc....are you eating right before bed? or before you lay down?
on 1/30/11 5:10 am - CA
I hope its nothing more than acid reflux.  Don't sit there and contemplate what it can be.  It could be an infection which can lead to more complications.  Go to the hospital and have them check for any leakage or slippage.  God bless you and keep you safe and healthy.

BTW - my sister passed away and her primary complaints were chest pain and a hard time breathing.  She had the lap-band surgery on 2/4/2010 and passed away 2/14/2010 due to complications from the lap-band.  She had fluid leaking from her stomach into her chest and abdominal cavity causing sepsis, peritonitis, renal failure, and ended up passing away from 8 cardiac arrests, with loss of brain activity. 

I don't want to scare you...just want you to be cautious.

God bless YOU!
on 1/30/11 7:23 am - China Grove, NC
I had someting kind of like this a week or so ago and my Dr had me get Prilosec OTC and take it and it went away. I also had to come off caffiene.It was acid reflux. Keep us posted and take care!

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