Sleep study done last night......

on 1/29/11 7:26 am

I had my sleep study done last night, ughhh horrible!!! I survived though!!! This morning the sleep tech came in my room and didn't say a word how the test went. I asked her if I snored and she said "Yes, very loud, all night" But she didn't say I had sleep apnea. Also she never entered my room to place a cpap thingy on me. She said only if I stopped breathing 30 times or more. 30 times or more is severe apnea she said. Soooo my ? to you all who have gone through this does insurance  consider snoring mild apnea? any info anyone can give me would be great!!!!! Does anyone know what mild apnea is?  I know the tech is not the doctor. I just hate this waiting game!!!! ughhhh!!!! thanks !!!!!!!!!

on 1/29/11 8:14 am - West Yarmouth, MA

Hey Kara, No worries about it!! Really.

My tech told me I didn't snore and didn't have apnea.  But when I went to my surgeon, he showed me the report that said while I didn't snore, I for sure had apnea and asked me if I wanted to go back for a CPAP. (I said HELL NO!) LOL

If you snored all night, I would bet you have apnea.

Surgery 1/6/11 , 14ml band - 0ml fill      
on 1/29/11 8:28 am - Gray, GA
If you snored all night, you probably have apnea.  The tech meant to say that you had to stop breathing 30 times before he or she would wake you and put the cpap on you; that doesn't necessarily mean you do not need a cpap.  Sleep apnea is very serious because it can damage your heart among other things.  If they recommend you get the cpap or bipap, and your insurance covers it, I'd get the machine.  Plus apnea won't keep you from having surgery..
on 1/29/11 11:04 pm
I stopped breating 22 times/hour when I had my first sleep study.  Went back and had to wear the machine again.

I knew mine was bad because I was waking myself up and catching my breath.  Doc said most people don't do this but I was. 

Snoring and sleep apnea are 2 different things.  You can snore and not have apneas.  you can have apneas and not snore. 

If you have mild apnea then most of the time the doctor does not do the CPAP.  They are very expensive machines and a lot of people don't wear them.

If you think you would not wear the CPAP machine then don't get it.  It took awhile for me to get used to mine.



on 1/30/11 9:29 pm - Richmond, Canada
Hi Kara,

I have moderate to severe sleep spnea I stop breathing 15 times/hour. I have the machine and hate it. But I have made an effort to try again and had been successfull at night 3. I was to go for futher testing but my doctor and I decided to wait until after the surgery. My doc said the indepth test would just bring up more issues that are wrong. I had to much bad news with all the pre-op tests. I can't wait to loose more weight so I can ditch the machine!!

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