One Month Post Op & Feeling Great

on 1/29/11 6:27 am
Hi Lyn thank you for your kind thoughts. I appreciate it. I told myself that I would really work hard to make this band the best it can be for me as I feel like I have been given a 2nd chance to get my weight back under far I have done really good and so for that I have to pat myself on the back! I think you deserve a pat also for allowing yourself a treat then getting back on track. Its good to be able to put your food into perspective and allow some fave foods at times...good luck to you...

RNY 04/05/04
BOB 12/30/10 (Band over Bypass)  

Lauran D.
on 1/28/11 8:38 am - Apex, NC
Hey Lyn,

It's great to hear from someone a week ahead of me   I know what you mean about getting hungry.  I actually dealt with this last week and slowly started to increase my calories.  I started using to log all of my food and saw that I was taking in between 400 and 500 calories daily.  And on days that I exercised, that meant that my net caloric intake was only around 200 to 300.  No wonder I was hungry!  This week with the increase in consumption, I've felt AMAZING and have still end most days under the number of calories that I'm aiming for.  Have you tried increasing a little?

For example:  Yesterday, I had a slim fast shake for breakfast, about an ounce of a protein shot two hours later, then two hours after that I had a pack of tuna with a little mustard, 6 black pepper triscuits, a laughing cow cheese wedge and a mixed fruit cup...and I was still hungry.  Today, I had oatmeal for breakfast (much more filling), two hours later my protein shot, and for lunch I had tuna, only 3 triscuits, a laughing cow and I was STUFFED.  So I know that eating a little more in the morning evens me out for lunch.  

One thing I said going in to the surgery was that I didn't want to get to a point where I was afraid to eat.  Sometimes people interpret having a healthy relationship with food as being afraid to eat.  For the past 3 years, I've watched my mom struggle with this very problem after she was diagnosed with diabetes.  Sure, she lost the weight and her sugar levels have evened out, bu****ching her with food is sad to me.  She puts up a front like she has everything under control, but I can tell that she gets embarrassed when she gets "caught" eating something a little off her plan or when she wants a little more of something.  

Just remember that we all have a little baggage that comes with this weight loss journey and a lot of the baggage has been suppressed on hidden while we just tried to eat it away.  I go through the ups and downs too.  I believe that my last bout with depression is what packed on the last 70lbs that I gained.  Whatever steps you need to take to put your head and body back in control, do it.  So when you call in and schedule the fill, go in with a game plan of how your going to handle it and put yourself in control.

I'm sorry that all of my responses turn into novels   I just feel like I'm in a really good place right now and I want to listen and share and pray that when I'm not feeling so hot, the support and advice and encouragement will come back to me.

High five to you Lyn!  We've only just begun

on 1/29/11 4:19 am - Davenport, FL
Hi again Lauran!

I am trying not to increase my food intake.  I would LOVE to but my drs instructions are pretty strict.   3 meals a day and one snack at night.   I am told to have 1/3 cup protein and 1/4 cup of veggies OR fruit.   That's it.   Not much at all.   I have been fine with that until just this week.
I'm not starving but just a bit hungry.   My snack is 6 oz yogurt and 2 oz fruit.   Also have 2 cups skim milk a day.   I made chili last week and felt guilty cause I had 1 cup of it!!  Don't want to fall into that guilty pattern again.  Too many yrs of that.   I went off my plan for the 1st time a couple nights ago.  Like I said, I had been feeling a bit depressed and of course food is on my brain.
Hubby and I went to the movies and then I told him I wanted to try going out to eat and have some pizza.  My favorite food ever.   I tried not to feel too guilty about it.  I felt I had done good.  I ordered a small pizza and had 3 slices and didn't eat the end crust, which I always do.  The following day I was right back on my food plan.  So far so good.  I know some folks do not give up their fav foods but I want to try to really limit them.  My dr and nutritionist says not to bother counting calories because if I eat what I am suppose to, calorie counting is not needed.  I know I must not be consuming very much in the way of calories.  I use a little lite mayo in my tuna and chicken salad but other than that, nothing else in the way of fats.

Yes, we have only just begun our journeys.  I hope we both do well.  I know I can LOSE weight, it's the keeping it off that I am not so good at.   Keep in touch.  I love novels!! lol

on 1/28/11 6:37 am
You sound like you are doing great. Keep up the hard work!! 

Posted Image

01|17|08 lap band   08|12|08
01|17|11 port replacement
            07|09|12 hiatal hernia repair & band repositioning

on 1/28/11 6:38 am
Congrats Lauren! Your doing awesome with your band!
 HW-267-SW-253-CW-167 I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!

debbie H.
on 1/28/11 8:15 am - AR
Congrats Lauren!  I'm very much a newbie, 2 weeks post-op, so mostly I'm just reading and learning from those who have gone before me. I find OH and the people on it very interesting. Glad you are doing so great with such a terrific attitude.
Lauran D.
on 1/28/11 8:41 am - Apex, NC
Thank you adorkbl, Val and Debbie   I haven't felt this great emotionally, mentally or physically since around 2006.  It feels good to be back.  Correction:  It feels GREAT to be back!
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