One Month Post Op & Feeling Great

Lauran D.
on 1/28/11 12:09 am - Apex, NC
Well I was officially one month post op yesterday, but I still wanted to stop in and let everyone know how my journey has been so far. 

My surgery was 12/27 and was a great success!  Since 12/27, I've lost 28lbs and am finally feeling like I'm back to my old self...sort of.    AND I skipped my first fill!

I will say that for me, the first week after surgery was definitley the hardest.  I had terrible nausea, I was doped up on Lortab (which made me feel like a hardcore junky!  I'd literally fall asleep while sitting up and talking to my husband), and I just couldn't get comfortable.  I also couldn't stomach ANYTHING for the first two weeks.  Finally around the week and a half mark, I could tolerate the low carb slim fast shakes and the Isopure protein drinks. 

What am I Eating Now?

I'm up to about 650 to 750 calories per day.  Oatmeal, Kroger Carbmaster Yogurt, baked fish, liver, refried beans, white chili, no sugar added fruit cups are some of my staples.  I really try to listen to what my body is telling me as opposed to strictly following the piece of paper that my Nut gave me.  I use it as a guide, but not a bible.  For example, on week two my Nut's instructions said that I could have cream soups, so I tried it and it literally annihilated my tummy.  So like I said, I just listen to my body.

Am I Excercising?
Yes! I started exercising on my 3rd week and walk 30 min a day 3 times a week.  I've slowly increased the speed and now walk on the treadmill at a brisk pace of about 3.0.  I went to the doctor this Wednesday and got clearance to do the Couch to 5k program, so my DH and I will start that on Monday.  I would like to increase my caloric intake to compensate for the 400 to 500 calories that I'll surely burn while doing this.  Next week it is also my intention to introduce light weights on the days that I don't do cardio. 

Am I Happy?
So far, yes.  I skipped my first fill on Wednesday, and it was very liberating.  One thing I heard a lot with the band is that I wouldn't lose as fast.  Well I didn't get to 335lbs fast either...I think it took me something like...I don't know...28 1/2 years?  So in this transformative process, I've found comfort and victory in lots of little realizations.  Basically it's not as important to me to get to goal in 9 months, as it is to really learn about myself and what motivates me to live a healthy life style. 

High five to everyone that is having success losing or maintaining and a warm welcome to all of the newbies!

Lisa O.
on 1/28/11 12:53 am - Snoqualmie, WA
Congratulations Lauran!
You're off to a great start and your positive attitude will serve you well!  Remember that when the WL slows down a bit.  It's just the bodies natural response and you will have plateaus, etc.  BUT, I can tell you that if you stick to what your Nut recommends, stay away from simple carbs and focus on protein and complex carbs in small portions you will suceed!  Oh yeah, we gotta keep moving too!

I started at the same weight as you and let me tell you, NOTHING, feels better than wearing a regular size 16 after wearing 24's!

Lisa O.

Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



Lauran D.
on 1/28/11 1:15 am - Apex, NC
Thank you Lisa!  It's very encouraging to hear that you started at the same weight that I did.  I think that one of the mental blocks for me prior to the surgery was that I typically hovered between 250 and 260 for most of my adult life.  The about a year ago, it's like there was this perfect storm of cir****tances that was the catalyst for me ballooning up to 335.  I am so excited about breaking that 300 mark that I can barely stand it!

When I spoke with my doctor on Wednesday about eating and weight loss and everything else we talked about the weight loss slowing down and plateaus and the things that people generally hate to talk about.  I just think if you talk about it and try to be proactive, it helps.  I also think that setting and working toward reasonable goals is a big part of it as well.  From the moment people even begin to consider WLS, the are bombarded with images of the end result.  Before and after pics, testimonials from folks that are a year or two out, etc.  So from there, for some it becomes like a race against themselves.  Getting to goal takes precedence over really learning your body and figuring out its kinks.  And that's where I think some people, especially folks with the band, get frustrated. 

But of course, this is all my opinion, and nothing that I'm saying is law. I'm just happy to be making the progress that I am and thank you so much for being an inspiration!

on 1/28/11 1:57 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
Great Job!
You have a great attitude, and that 's important...

I know now that this journey is a one day at a time process, and sometimes nothing happens. We have to be patient, and work with the band our own way.

You should make sure you are not lactose intolerant now. Sometimes that happens after WLS, and you may need to change to dairy free foods.

Good luck!

All the best!!

Lisa O.
on 1/28/11 10:47 pm - Snoqualmie, WA
When I started my journey the big number of how much I wanted to lose was too much to contimplate so I decided to break it down to 10 lb increments.  I lost 10, then 10 more, et****il I'd lost 10 lbs 12 times.  It worked great for me and really helped me not to focus on the BIG number. 

Goals are important but they have to be realistic.  10 lbs at a time worked great for me.

The other thing that I credit the most for my success is that I truly changed what I ate, not just how much.  There are plenty of people that eat "whatever" but less of it and they will lose weight, but I truly wanted to improve my health AND lose weight.  I focused on REAL, fresh foods.  No frozen dinners with lots of sodium, no fast food, etc.  I started cooking and bring breakfast and lunch with me to work and basically stopped eating out for lunch everyday.  When I do eat out I generally know what I'm going to have before I get to the restaurant becuase if I open the menu and start "shopping" I have a hard time making good choices.  For me it was about control.  Taking control of something that I had let take over my  I played by the rules and abolished simple carbs, (white carbs), from my diet.  I didn't find it very hard to switch over, either.  If I wanted potato I'd make a sweet potato or yam.  If I wanted crackers, I'd eat Wasa.  I tried whole wheat pasta and that was o.k. for a while until I got good restriction and now pasta just doesn't work that well, nor is it worth it for me.  I cut out real sugar and changed to brown rice.  I couldn't believe how much better I felt when I truly changed the type of foods I was eating!
I lost 104 lbs in 9 months.

I'm not as strict today, but I'm also not losing weight right now.  My biggest issue is sugar.  I'm a sugar addict and the only way for me to get over it is to not eat it!

I've been on this board over 2 years now and I can often tell who will be a success right from the start. I think you are one of those people.  If you're introspective, like to learn and ask alot of questions AND are a little bit type A personality I believe the band is a great tool for you!  I bet you're going to rock your band!

Friend request me if you want to have access to my blog here on OH.  There is a lot of stuff there about what I eat, my routine, articles I've saved, etc.

Congratulations!  You're off to a great start!

Lisa O.

Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



on 1/28/11 2:55 am - Hightstown, NJ
Lauran, congrats and your well on your way.  I think your positive attitude is great and will keep you on track.  Keep up the good work.
on 1/28/11 5:37 am - CT

I am a little over 1 month post-op as well and just started Couch to 5k this week!! Let me tell you.... it's hard!!!! Day 1 I almost quit after the first minute, but I slowed down the pace and got through it. I thought that the run segment meant RUN, not jog, so I totally screwed myself from the get go. Keep in mind - it means JOG!!!

Let me know how it goes! 
Life is a journey, not a destination**    
on 1/28/11 6:35 am - Davenport, FL
You're doing great!  I'm happy for you!  I, too, am newly banded and doing well.  I've had an easy time of it in all respects.  I know it probably will not last forever but I'll take what I get.
I also skipped my first fill.  Had no need for it.  Wasn't hungry at all.  My tiny meals were keeping me satisfied for 4+ hours.   Just this week I am starting to feel some hunger.
So I may be calling the dr to let them know and go for a fill.  That's what they told me to do.
I also am walking way more than I was able to do prior to surgery.  I'm now doing 30 min on most days.   My dog is loving it!!!  I still hate it but I hope that will get better.  I have to force myself to do it.  Like today, haven't done it yet and it's in the back of my mind.  I will tho.

My attitude is not quite as positive as yours at the moment but up until this week I have been.  I have some trouble with depression and it's bugging me again.  Then when you're use to eating away your emotions and you no longer can do that it makes it tough.  But this will pass.

Think I will throw dinner in the oven and go for my walk.
Keep up the great work!

on 1/28/11 7:52 am
Hi Lyn - we started at the same weight!  I had my surgery 12/30/10 and am down 19.5 pounds so came off quick (14 pounds first two weeks) but has slowed a bit - I'm trying to get the exercise in but it's hard - I also have no deisre for that.  I suffer depression & anxiety really bad, and am having a hard time in my personal life right now, so it's been difficult, but I'm glad to be back on track with my food.  And each new phase is like "wow, I didn't know yogurt....cottage cheese...refried beans...split pea soup" could taste so good.  You miss all that when you are eating emotionally, you know?  Anyway, hang in there and just wanted to say hey - I'm with you! :)

RNY 04/05/04
BOB 12/30/10 (Band over Bypass)  

on 1/29/11 4:29 am - Davenport, FL
Hi Sapphire!
Congrats on your wgt loss!   I'm sorry you're having some hard times in your personal life right now.  Depression is the pits for sure!  I hope things improve for you.  If you need an ear to listen I am here.  Being on tractk with our food does help us to feel some sense of control in our lives when other things may be out of control.   Eating has never solved any problem.  It may comfort us for the moment but in the end it makes things worse.  We know that in yet we still fall into the trap.   It's true, food has never tasted so good!!   You take care too, ok?

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