So I went to see my doctor on Thursday for my exam and they were having a hard time find the heart beat with the little monitor. They told me not to worry because this was the earliest time they could hear the heart beat on it. They did my pap smear and then sent me to have an ultrasound to find it on there.
So I went and had my ultrasound and could see my little angel on the screen. I could make out the head and the rest of it's little body. Then when she looked for the heartbeat , they couldn't find it :-( The baby measured at 8 weeks and I was at almost 12 weeks.
My mom was with me, thank goodness. She lives in California and was in visiting for a couple of weeks. My husband wasn't there because it was an exam. I hated calling him to tell him. I had to wait on the doctor to come over from the hospital (he was in emergency surgery) That gave my husband time to make it to the doctor office. The doctor decided to just go ahead and do my D and C that night and get it over with so I didn't have to go home.
At first I blamed myself for this. I'm sure a lot of women do. But I know in my heart I gave it my best and tried my best to take care of us. Everyone explained to me that it was not my fault and sometimes God knows that the baby is not doing well and something was wrong. I have full faith that he knows what is best for us. I know now that I am able to get pregnant and we will just try again in a month or two.
Thanks for reading
So I went and had my ultrasound and could see my little angel on the screen. I could make out the head and the rest of it's little body. Then when she looked for the heartbeat , they couldn't find it :-( The baby measured at 8 weeks and I was at almost 12 weeks.
My mom was with me, thank goodness. She lives in California and was in visiting for a couple of weeks. My husband wasn't there because it was an exam. I hated calling him to tell him. I had to wait on the doctor to come over from the hospital (he was in emergency surgery) That gave my husband time to make it to the doctor office. The doctor decided to just go ahead and do my D and C that night and get it over with so I didn't have to go home.
At first I blamed myself for this. I'm sure a lot of women do. But I know in my heart I gave it my best and tried my best to take care of us. Everyone explained to me that it was not my fault and sometimes God knows that the baby is not doing well and something was wrong. I have full faith that he knows what is best for us. I know now that I am able to get pregnant and we will just try again in a month or two.
Thanks for reading
I am so sorry for your loss.
I had 2 m/c between my 1st and 2nd children. One at 6 wks another at 9wks..which was very similiar to what you're describing. It was very hard emotionally. Give yourself plenty of time to grieve. I found by the time my cycle got back to normal and we could try again I felt much better.
I had 2 m/c between my 1st and 2nd children. One at 6 wks another at 9wks..which was very similiar to what you're describing. It was very hard emotionally. Give yourself plenty of time to grieve. I found by the time my cycle got back to normal and we could try again I felt much better.
Oh, Jana, I am so sorry to hear that! 
it was not my fault and sometimes God knows that the baby is not doing well and something was wrong.
I had a family member go through a mc a few years back and that is what her doc told her. And I think it seems like the most intelligent answer to something that seems to make so little sense.

it was not my fault and sometimes God knows that the baby is not doing well and something was wrong.
I had a family member go through a mc a few years back and that is what her doc told her. And I think it seems like the most intelligent answer to something that seems to make so little sense.
Jana, I am so sorry! I know they told you that this is very common...and not at all your fault. This happened to my daughter with her first pregnancy...she was devastated. Had a D&C that night (Hallowee*****) and 52 weeks to the day later had her 9 lb baby boy...27 months later she delivered identical triplet girls at 32 weeks who weighed a total of 9lb 12 oz....
Nolan and I 2 weeks post-op...his 8th grade graduation.

Zoe, Sydney and Madeline 5 yrs old
Halloween 2007....they were almost 10
L>R Sydney, Madeline and Zoe

After my daughter's miscarriage, our family doctor told her, "...don't worry Karen, there will be lots of babies..." We still laugh about that! Now she has three 13 yr olds and a 15 yr old and she and her husband are very busy will be that way for you too.
Hang in there, take care of yourself and before you know it, you'll be holding your little bundle of joy in your arms....
Nolan and I 2 weeks post-op...his 8th grade graduation.

Zoe, Sydney and Madeline 5 yrs old

Halloween 2007....they were almost 10
L>R Sydney, Madeline and Zoe

After my daughter's miscarriage, our family doctor told her, "...don't worry Karen, there will be lots of babies..." We still laugh about that! Now she has three 13 yr olds and a 15 yr old and she and her husband are very busy will be that way for you too.
Hang in there, take care of yourself and before you know it, you'll be holding your little bundle of joy in your arms....
VSG on 03/25/16
Jana I am So sorry for your loss, I will keep you and your family in my prayers

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
Jana, I'm sorry for your loss and will keep you in my prayers and thoughts. If you want to talk to others that have suffered similiar losses has nightly chats for loss of children and some are specific for miscarriage. My son died at age 11 and they have been a blessing to me. I wish you the best.