Dr said no lapband

on 1/27/11 7:51 pm - candia, NH
I too have lost 190 lbs with my band.I am a little over 2 years out.It is different for everyone.Dont let him sway you from what YOU want.You do hear of revisions but a lot of people that do have sucsess dont bother to post.Good luck with whatever you decide.
(deactivated member)
on 1/27/11 9:30 pm

My surgeon initially tried to steer me towards the bypass because he said I would achieve a greater % loss of my excess weight. I think a lot of surgeons (especially those with no personal weight issues) think us obese folks  want to lose the absolute most weight any surgery can help us lose and the recommend surgeries on that basis. I'm not sure they "get it" that we would be so ecstatically happy to lose just a good chunk of our excess weight.

If your goal is to lose 50lbs, which sounds from your post to be about 50% of your excess weight I think with the band that is very doable and realistic -- although you can always lose even more by being diligent about food choices and activity levels.

When you have a band, the support from your surgeon (and his team) are vital. If you end up choosing a band, you will most likely need to find a surgeon that is going to be support and work with you towards your weight loss success.  Just imagine if you are having any kind of an issue with the band and need to talk it over and work out a solution.  Would you want to do that with somebody that has already made up their mind that you will be a failure with the band?

I know this is tough and a big disappointment for you. Take some time and think things over and make what you believe to be the best decision for you and then be proud of it.


(deactivated member)
on 1/27/11 9:41 pm - Hatboro, PA
Essentially you're paying the doctor (or your insurance company is), so if you really want the band just don't let him talk you out of it.  And if he won't do it for whatever reasons, then you should go and find a surgeon who will.  Because I had so much weight to lose, my surgeon tried talking me into getting one of the bypass procedures...  but I kindly told him that I had did my research, and one of the other surgeries was not an option for me. 
on 1/27/11 9:57 pm - LA
thanks for all yalls answers, alot to think about.  I am 5'6 and 205#.  My weight chart shows at the low end 135 and so I thought I would try to get to 150.  This would be about a 50# loss.  He thinks I will only get to 170.  If you follow a diet strict and exercise you can lose 50# so why can't you do it with diet and a lapband?
on 1/27/11 11:10 pm - Hightstown, NJ

I agree with everyone and tell you that you have to go with what you feel comfortable.  At my consultation I was 214 and the doctor told me that I would be a great candidate for the Band and he and his nutritionist told me that 140-145 would be a great weight for me.  I'm 57 yrs old, 5'4" and had my surgery Aug. 30th.  Today I weigh 162.5 and am so happy that I have the Band and that it's worked for me.  I've been very fortunate and have had 2 fills and I follow my doctors and nutritionist advice to the t. 

on 1/28/11 12:34 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
At your BMI a sleeve may not be an option through your insurance. That was my case. If you would be self pay I would consider getting a sleeve in Mexico. That was also not an option for me. I got my band in May, I had a bmi of 35.8 starting my journey in Jan. 2009. I have lost a total of 65 lbs. (gained a bit over the holidays) but I reached my goal on Oct. 5th. Yes, you have to work really hard, and be diligent to avoid the regain, but it is possible to lose all your weight and more. As long as you are aware of the stats, complications, etc. the band can work. Maria is one it has not helped. Educate yourself about the sleeve and if you settle on that have at it. If you choose the band in the end then find out what it takes to be a long term success, and what people who have struggled have done. The more you know the better off you will be. Good Luck, Sue


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


on 1/28/11 12:38 am - LA

Well neither mine or my hubby's insurance covers any type of WLS so I am self pay.  There are so many sides to both the band and sleeve.  I know with any of the surgeries if you don't follow the rules you will gain all weight back.  I just thought since the band was adjustable it would be better.  Wish there were some long term results with the sleeve

Lisa O.
on 1/28/11 1:18 am - Snoqualmie, WA
If you are self pay, you need to remember that the band requires maintenence.  Fills can run $200 or more each fill and in the first year you will probably need a fill every 6 weeks or every 3 months, depending.  I'm 2 years post surgery and I still get fills and slight unfills as things change over time.  I've seen a lot of people post that have lost insurance and can't afford to get the fills that are essential to making the band work to it's fullest potential. 

Lisa O.

Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



on 1/28/11 5:15 am - TN
With the long term statistic available on the band (such as significant removals and/or repair surgeries required within 5 years out and majority of bands removed by 10 years out), I would seriously reconsider being self-pay for this type of surgery. Not only are the costs of fills a consideration, but consider what it might cost to repair a leak or port or revise if you have other complications. Ask your surgeon these questions.

Again, if you believe your doctor is excellent and highly experienced with the band, you may want to consider heeding his advice. He is likely living the longterm statistics of the band with his patients. For all of our advice and experiences here on OH, none of us (that I am aware of) are surgeons with a large lap band patient caseload. He is. He knows how many of his patients are requiring removals or follow-up surgeries for repairs. Ask him these questions. I doubt he would be advising against something without some kind of justification.

Good luck and keep us updated,


Cheryl N.
on 1/28/11 1:40 am - Des Moines, WA
My surgeon does not like bands anymore, he won't even recommend them anymore. 

246 in Dec 2008 before banded 1/28/09 at 215 lbs, band crapped 9/09 at 170 lbs and struggled with it and regained to 203 revised to bypass on 8/1/11 and am very happy.


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