newbie...sorta, lots of questions
I posted this on the main board and the main theme was they thought I should choose a different type of surgery than lap band, which brings up even more questions now.
I have been looking into lap band surgery for years and I had received my first doctor referral back in 2007. I decided to try one last time to lose it myself without surgery. Well it didnt work, so now I realize I cannot do this alone and I need help. I had an appointment with my doctor for other reasons and brought up weight loss surgery, she said that she would be happy to refer me but wanted me to make certain this is what I wanted, she was confident I would be approved as I have a BMI of 42.+. I have talked to my husband and he agrees that I should go in and have this done, he was unsupportive of WLS in the past. I have an appointment for next week so this is where the questions begin:
Hubby is military, we are on tricare, any tips or advice?
What info should I give my doctor....basically what is considered TMI?
About how long do you think it would take from referral to surgery? Hubby might be deploying, Im also worried if they do it too soon, I thought there was a liquid diet required? I really want to make sure I follow all of the rules and make this a great trasnition into a much healthier lifestyle.
What can I expect as far as post-op & recovery, is there a hospital stay or is it more outpatient like?
What will my diet be like after surgery, are there things I can/cannot eat? Things to avoid? Can I still have my beloved coffee, without it I may begin to eat my young LoL!
Vitamins, can you still take them or is it difficult after surgery? I do not take any vitamins now, what should I start taking so I can get used to it?
I read about food getting hung up, any advice to avoid that happening?
Have you had any issues with your lap band, if you could would you reconsider WLS or consider a different type of WLS?
I know there are going to be some issues that are just a part of WLS like too little or too much restriction, how will I know when these occur?
Im sorry to bombard you all with questions, I am nervous and excited about this and finally having hubby support me in this makes me feel even more nervous/excited
Thank you for reading and for any advice & help :-)
I have been looking into lap band surgery for years and I had received my first doctor referral back in 2007. I decided to try one last time to lose it myself without surgery. Well it didnt work, so now I realize I cannot do this alone and I need help. I had an appointment with my doctor for other reasons and brought up weight loss surgery, she said that she would be happy to refer me but wanted me to make certain this is what I wanted, she was confident I would be approved as I have a BMI of 42.+. I have talked to my husband and he agrees that I should go in and have this done, he was unsupportive of WLS in the past. I have an appointment for next week so this is where the questions begin:
Hubby is military, we are on tricare, any tips or advice?
What info should I give my doctor....basically what is considered TMI?
About how long do you think it would take from referral to surgery? Hubby might be deploying, Im also worried if they do it too soon, I thought there was a liquid diet required? I really want to make sure I follow all of the rules and make this a great trasnition into a much healthier lifestyle.
What can I expect as far as post-op & recovery, is there a hospital stay or is it more outpatient like?
What will my diet be like after surgery, are there things I can/cannot eat? Things to avoid? Can I still have my beloved coffee, without it I may begin to eat my young LoL!
Vitamins, can you still take them or is it difficult after surgery? I do not take any vitamins now, what should I start taking so I can get used to it?
I read about food getting hung up, any advice to avoid that happening?
Have you had any issues with your lap band, if you could would you reconsider WLS or consider a different type of WLS?
I know there are going to be some issues that are just a part of WLS like too little or too much restriction, how will I know when these occur?
Im sorry to bombard you all with questions, I am nervous and excited about this and finally having hubby support me in this makes me feel even more nervous/excited

Thank you for reading and for any advice & help :-)
I already responded to you on the MB but wanted to add that you really might want to post this on all WLS types. You'll find a ton of people that were previously banded and revised to a new surgery type. The reason you got the replies you did on the MB is that many of those people had a band and had to revise to something else.
They were just trying to prevent you from experiencing what they did.
They were just trying to prevent you from experiencing what they did.
Previously Midwesterngirl
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies:
Oh no worries, I wanted to ask the lap band board these questions from the get go, and I was eventually planning to ask other WLS boards as well about any issues they may have had, how they were addressed by their doctors and if they could do it again would they or would they consider another type of WLS. I wasn't trying to cause any problems or make it sound like I was unappreciative of the advice given on the main board, but I eventually plan to ask on all of the differet types of WLS so that I can compare them all and make the best decision I can for which WLS to focus on. Im sure that each WLS has it own advantages and disadvantages and I want to get all of the best info I can before I make a decision. Im writting down everything people say so that I will know in my heart that I have made the most informed decision I could :-)
Hello. It is normal to have lots of questions. Many are ones that your Dr will address when you meet with him. Just know that whatever surgery that you choose, research it. You will pick what is best for you! I had the band placed almost 3 years ago and was well over 450 pounds at the time. I have lost over 250 pounds. Started at a size 30 and am wearing a jr 11! The band is a tool and it can be a wonderful thing for some. You will hear negative and positive things about each type of surgery and many people think that what they had done is the only surgery that works. Not true at all!! Wishing you the best of luck as you begin your journey. I started mine being very nervous as well but I am so happy that I did this for myself and my family!
Ok first off
awesome job! I have not been able to wear a size 11 in over 13 years. I have a size 10 dress hanging hanging in my room as an inspiration to get to that size. Im not a big girlie girl but I have decided that when I lose this weight I plan to wear dresses and try to look as nice as I can because I have fought for it and I deserve it
and because hubby deserves it too. I have let myself go for way too long and I want him to have a pretty and healthy wife again
Thank you for the advice, I do think that WLS is the tool I need to get me thru this. I do not have the restraint to stop myself from eating too much. I know what I should and shouldn't eat but when I do eat I just eat way too much. Thank you

Thank you for the advice, I do think that WLS is the tool I need to get me thru this. I do not have the restraint to stop myself from eating too much. I know what I should and shouldn't eat but when I do eat I just eat way too much. Thank you

VSG on 03/25/16
Here is a topic that was posted a while back hope it helps D-Explain-your-Lap-Band-AGB-Experience/ D-Explain-your-Lap-Band-AGB-Experience/

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
Thank you, I will go check it out right now. I appreciate the help 
Edited: thank you, there was lots of great feedback on that board and I liked reading the pros and cons and finding out how some people had success or failures with the lap band. I will keep it all in mind (and written down) so that I can weigh my options before making a decision on what is best for me. Thank you

Edited: thank you, there was lots of great feedback on that board and I liked reading the pros and cons and finding out how some people had success or failures with the lap band. I will keep it all in mind (and written down) so that I can weigh my options before making a decision on what is best for me. Thank you

Hello there,
I'm a newbie so I can only tell you what I have personally experienced the last two months :o)
I did not do this surgery under insurance I was self pay and I moved alot quicker and didn't have to follow so many months of diets and all that stuff that insurance wants you to do.
I had my first appt in Sept and had my surgery in Nov . I did have to take six weeks of nutritional classes that is per doctors orders, blood work twice because I use to smoke I had to be nicotine free for 30 days , I had a EKG , and a Upper GI done :o)
As far as surgery goes here is my time line
surgery at 1:00 pm
back to room at 3 pm
home at 7 pm
I was suppose to stay over night but I was doing so well they let me go home . I had a very easy recovery if it wasn't for the incisions I would have never known I had surgery. I had no gas pains, no incision pains, no port pains no nothing . I took my pain meds for two or three days just cause of hubby to make him feel better lol. the only thing that was sore and it wasn't a I got to rush and take meds sore my upper stomach felt like I did a million sit ups .
I had help sitting down and getting up from the chair, potty and bed just so I wouldn't use them muscles but I was doing it myself after three days.
I was back to sleeping on my stomach 7 days after surgery :o)
I can eat anything I want there isn't a food I have had to give up because of this surgery :o) I have given up pasta but that is my choice because of the carbs but I still eat bread, I still eat Pizza , I still eat at McDonald's but not as much and not as often .
The key to any WLS is moderation not deprivation . I dont deny myself nothing if I want it I eat it but instead of eating a whole bag of chips I take out the serving size and that is it :o)
I gotten sick one time that was a few weeks ago I was gulping my food down like a pig lol and I ate a piece of meat to fast and to big and up it came. that was not a fun experience but it taught me a lesson and I'm glad it happened , it hasn't happened since.
I dont worry about going out with friends or family to eat , I dont have stuck problems or worried I cant eat this or that.
As far as restriction or this so called sweet spot . This is my opinion only !!! I think people get so wrapped up in them two words they obese about it !!!
I dont know if I'm at my sweet spot or not lol. I have had my surgery two months ago, my band is empty the day he put it in me. I have skipped two fills just skipped my last one this past Monday. I am down 32 pounds and almost 20 inches in two months.
I can stay full for at least 3-5 hrs at a time if I eat the proper foods , I eat my one cup of food no more or no less and I know that is all I need.
I do eat snacks and my doc has no problem with that , I eat a snack around 10 pm at night that is when I get slightly hungry again .
I deal with head hunger and you will to but you really need to learn the difference between head hunger and physical hunger . There is alot of people that will just run and get fills because they think they are hungry all the time but in reality they are not we talked about that in support group meetings.
I love my lapband, I love my doctor he does only lapbands so he has the experience in this , he listens to me when I go in for my appts and gives me good advice and he will even jump down me also if I need it like he did this past Monday lol.
Like I said I have no fill in my band I have lost 32 pounds and almost 20 inches since 11/22/10
I also believe any WLS is 90% a mental game also , I play mental games with myself all the time since my surgery maybe that is why Im doing so well and not getting fills I dont let the hunger become a obession , I know one cup of food will tide me over for a good three hrs and more food will be coming . I just know it's working for me and as long as I dont have to play the fill and unfill game that is just fine with me .
I'm a newbie so I can only tell you what I have personally experienced the last two months :o)
I did not do this surgery under insurance I was self pay and I moved alot quicker and didn't have to follow so many months of diets and all that stuff that insurance wants you to do.
I had my first appt in Sept and had my surgery in Nov . I did have to take six weeks of nutritional classes that is per doctors orders, blood work twice because I use to smoke I had to be nicotine free for 30 days , I had a EKG , and a Upper GI done :o)
As far as surgery goes here is my time line
surgery at 1:00 pm
back to room at 3 pm
home at 7 pm
I was suppose to stay over night but I was doing so well they let me go home . I had a very easy recovery if it wasn't for the incisions I would have never known I had surgery. I had no gas pains, no incision pains, no port pains no nothing . I took my pain meds for two or three days just cause of hubby to make him feel better lol. the only thing that was sore and it wasn't a I got to rush and take meds sore my upper stomach felt like I did a million sit ups .
I had help sitting down and getting up from the chair, potty and bed just so I wouldn't use them muscles but I was doing it myself after three days.
I was back to sleeping on my stomach 7 days after surgery :o)
I can eat anything I want there isn't a food I have had to give up because of this surgery :o) I have given up pasta but that is my choice because of the carbs but I still eat bread, I still eat Pizza , I still eat at McDonald's but not as much and not as often .
The key to any WLS is moderation not deprivation . I dont deny myself nothing if I want it I eat it but instead of eating a whole bag of chips I take out the serving size and that is it :o)
I gotten sick one time that was a few weeks ago I was gulping my food down like a pig lol and I ate a piece of meat to fast and to big and up it came. that was not a fun experience but it taught me a lesson and I'm glad it happened , it hasn't happened since.
I dont worry about going out with friends or family to eat , I dont have stuck problems or worried I cant eat this or that.
As far as restriction or this so called sweet spot . This is my opinion only !!! I think people get so wrapped up in them two words they obese about it !!!
I dont know if I'm at my sweet spot or not lol. I have had my surgery two months ago, my band is empty the day he put it in me. I have skipped two fills just skipped my last one this past Monday. I am down 32 pounds and almost 20 inches in two months.
I can stay full for at least 3-5 hrs at a time if I eat the proper foods , I eat my one cup of food no more or no less and I know that is all I need.
I do eat snacks and my doc has no problem with that , I eat a snack around 10 pm at night that is when I get slightly hungry again .
I deal with head hunger and you will to but you really need to learn the difference between head hunger and physical hunger . There is alot of people that will just run and get fills because they think they are hungry all the time but in reality they are not we talked about that in support group meetings.
I love my lapband, I love my doctor he does only lapbands so he has the experience in this , he listens to me when I go in for my appts and gives me good advice and he will even jump down me also if I need it like he did this past Monday lol.
Like I said I have no fill in my band I have lost 32 pounds and almost 20 inches since 11/22/10
I also believe any WLS is 90% a mental game also , I play mental games with myself all the time since my surgery maybe that is why Im doing so well and not getting fills I dont let the hunger become a obession , I know one cup of food will tide me over for a good three hrs and more food will be coming . I just know it's working for me and as long as I dont have to play the fill and unfill game that is just fine with me .