Lap Band surgery went wrong

on 1/27/11 12:59 am
I was told up front if he thinks my liver is to large and he can not put the band safely around my stomach and do it right then he will not do it at all .

I was warned up front about that,  that is why that pre op diet is so vital to follow before your surgery it helps loosen the liver up and shrink the liver .

I am sorry this happened to you.   I was also asked if rny was ok if the band would not work.  I also think it has to do with the tools they use and if the liver is too heavy it is not able to hold the liver up too long.

Good luck to you!

Band removed and feeling alive with energy!

on 1/27/11 2:10 am - Mexico
Everyone needs to keep in mind, most of us have liver issues. Two weeks on a liver shrinking diet does NOT shrink your liver, to shrink your liver it takes 6 weeks to several months on low carb. Research studies done on this, you'll see what I mean. All two weeks does is absorb the glycogen off the surface of your liver so it isn't slippery and since the lower lobe sits in front of your stomach it needs to be held out of the way during surgery. A slippery liver is harder to work with.

If your doctor told you your liver was perfect then you never had fatty liver disease to begin with if you only did low carb for 2 weeks.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
on 1/27/11 7:44 am - Athens, GA
I beleive I heard someone post on OH about this awhile back. It seems it's very infrequent that this happens.

I agree with the others about finding another Dr. I would also suggest that you check out the revision forum and see how many ppl are revising FROM the band. If the band was that great them all those ppl wouldn't be wanting it taken out now would they????

Good luck!


on 1/27/11 7:49 am - Rockledge, FL
 I was told by my surgeon that barring the liver being in the way or problems unforseen prior to surgery once in the lap band would be placed.  your liver being enlarged can cause huge problems.  
(deactivated member)
on 1/27/11 8:50 am
You're in the NYC area, check out the doctors within the North Shore-LIJ Health System.  Surgeries are performed at Lennox Hill, North Shore University at Manhasset, Franklin, Syosset, and at Forrest Hills.  It may be a little trip for you, but you would have your choice of surgeons with excellent reputations that take insurance.
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