Lap Band surgery went wrong
My MD warned me that if the liver was too large and required too much manipulation it could be a problem. They don't want to lacerate your liver during the procedure! Another thing he warned me about is scarring. I had an open gall bladder surgery in the 80's before they did it laprascopic. There was a potential that I would have too much scar tissue.
yes, I have heard of it.
The pre-op diet that many docs require is to shrink and soften the liver. Usually, this is sufficient but if, as apparently happened in your case, the liver is still too large (and that does not relate to your overall weight), i can understand your doc making the decision not to put your overall health at risk. Better alive and fully functionning!
But I can understnad how disappointed you must be.
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
on 1/26/11 7:05 pm
When I was in my pro-op phase I was told the same thing. But I gathered that didn't happen to patients very often. I wonder if it might be more of a technique issue with your surgeon. Do you know if he does a lot of bands?
I think the liver issue was connected to that, plus the fact that the week before I was sick was Thansgiving, but I didn't gorge myself then, just normal amounts of food, and tiny pieces of dessert, knowing I was having the band surgery.
I really think the surgeons need to ask people if they've had a recent illness or infection, because these illnesses could enlarge the liver.
Are you scheduled for another surgery date?
So sorry that you went through all of this for nothing. I love Dr. Ferzli! If he didn't put in your band, he must have known it couldn't be done safely. Please be careful of another surgeon saying he'll put in the band. You don't want to have it done, if it's not done properly.
Best of luck to you....
My best advice is to try to decrease the size of your liver by keeping hydrated and staying away from high fat foods...
According to a bariatric confrence I went to recently, a lot of surgeons won't place a lap band if the liver is too large because 1. the liver can be knicked causing lots of bleeding and serious side effects, 2. once the weight is lost, higher risk for slippage of the band due to the liver shrinking and the stomach shrinking, 3. the trochars that help the surgeons do the surgery laparoscopically won't be able to help lift the liver up when the surgeon and camera are in the abdomen. When the surgeon can't lift an organ with the lap devices, that's not a good sign.
Totally is a horrible feeling but in the end, your surgeon did what was best for you in the long run. You would have probably run into a lot of complications post operatively and ultimately may have needed another surgery for the band to be removed.
Take care and keep in contact with your surgeon to see what the next step you can take should be.
all the weight has been lost post-op..I LOVE MY BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
highest weight: 333 pounds (I know I gained after my last "weigh in" in the doctors office so probably it's more like 340 pounds)
current weight: 151 pounds (7/12/11)
I've been at goal (165 pounds) for 6 months now and now on maintence. I tend to go up and down depending on time of the month and such!
But like the others, I too was told upfront that if my liver was to large my Doc would not perform the surgery. This is why we have the pre op diets. One other advise my Doc gave me in my 5day pre op appt was do not eat the "LAST MEAL" You know the meal where you think, "Well I will never be able to eat a whole pizza (or any other food type here) again so I will do that now" As for one meal can enlarge the liver to the point that he could not do surgery to place the band.
My Doc is very upfront and even showed us pictures of a bad liver and good liver.
Day of surgery, he asked how will my liver will look once he is in there. And reminded me again that if it was large no go!
I wish you the best and speedy recovery!
on 1/26/11 11:11 pm - Des Moines, IA
It is a tough thing.. But I do have to agree with the other responses... All of the preop diets and preps are for your safety...
I wonder if insurance will pay for a sono of the liver if not the ct scan...
I am from Brooklyn too and had my sx done at Maimonides.. I work there and wanted to be able to f/u easy....
But my doctor said the same thing... I would almost rather them not do it than to struggle and possibly knick the liver or cause more local trauma by pushing and wiggling my innards...

Did you have a pre-op diet and follow it closely?? My suggestion, if you still want the band (or any other lap procedure) is to go low carb and get that liver shrunk down as much as possible so you don't go through the dissappointment and pain of unnecessary surgery.
I have heard of many folks who have had your experience.
Good luck to you.