***UPDATE/EDITS in original post in purple*** OMgeeee.... *shocked* THIS is why I was...

on 1/26/11 7:37 pm - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
PF Chang's is the WORST! If you check any calorie counter for what is served there, it's always off the charts. Item for item, their food has the highest number of calories than most other restaurants.

You have to order all your food steamed, and either brown or no rice. And dessert is just out of the question. This is the issue we all must face.

Several years ago, I lost a lot of weight on the Scarsdale diet. When I lexamined what I was eating compared to everyone else, my diet was akin to eating like an ascetic monk!

It's just the way it is for us people with obesity problems.

We have to decide what we want, indulgent eating or a slim figure! And it only gets worse as we get older, but that is another whole post.

Good luck.
on 1/26/11 11:17 pm - TN
I've never seen that website, thanks for the link!

Also... what's done is done, no point in dwelling.  What's important is that youhad a lovely night out with your husband.  I have to say this... I think that the longer we want something, the harder it becomes to resist.  The answer is not in denying ourselves the foods that we crave, it's in being able to have a few bites of it, indulge our desires, and then move on.  Those Banana Spring Rolls are scrumptious and nobody can be good 100% of the time.

Personally, I'm much more bothered by all the low-fat, fat-free, low-carb, imitation and engineered foods that are more chemicals than actual foods.  Where did all the FOOD in our food go?  When did farmers get replaced by scientists?  Just my opinion...
My blog:  PaintingChef

on 1/26/11 11:30 pm - Mexico
Is that calorie count for full servings or YOUR serving? You boxed up half your entree and shared the dessert with DH, so was that count for full servings or your serving?

Holy crap....

But you know, if you are going to splurge, PF Changs IS the place to do it. ;o)

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies: 
on 1/27/11 2:14 am - CO
The info you quoted from Fat Secret doesn't come anywhere close to agreeing with PF Chang's published nutrition info. They show one order of the Banana Spring Rolls as being 4 servings at 235 cals and 10gms fat per serving. Nowhere close to the 3720 cals and 194 fat that you listed.


So based on PFC's info a half order of the scallops plus half the dessert should be around 930 cals and 33g fat.  A lot, but not terrible.

Note the info on Fat Secret is provided by users, not from any published or verifiable source.  I wouldn't take it as gospel.

on 1/27/11 3:33 am, edited 1/27/11 3:33 am

OMG THANK YOU!! Haha. I double checked the info... hell I swear I triple checked it because I was so appalled. I DID look on PF Changs website... but my mind doubled up the wrong info. What a HUGE HUGE difference. I feel a little less horrible now.  

The Fat Secret "1serving" was the whole dessert and I doubled that. *head smack*

Still not good.... but that makes more sense. 

I realize the Fat Secret info is user added. I always double check before I enter it... but guess that one slipped through. 

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01|17|11 port replacement
            07|09|12 hiatal hernia repair & band repositioning

on 1/27/11 3:01 am - TX
Those numbers are totally nuts! Yikes!

I read through the thread and I agree that there isn't a benefit to beating yourself up over it (it is in the past). However, I really admire you for setting limits and educating yourself about your food choices.

I was banded over three years ago. I've watched so many walk this wls journey and the ones (most) that struggle or gained some of the weight back are the ones that give themselves the "green light" to eat junk more than they should eat it or they're not as active as they should be. Don't get me wrong....I don't think we should be so crazy with limiting all foods. I just think there comes a time in your life where you must educate yourself and make a lifestyle change for better health. There is no easy fix. It's hard work and the work is never over. It's really rather black and white...calories in and calories out. I know there are some medical reasons that make it harder and not as "black and white", but for most of us...it's just that... calories in and calories out. It's a work in progress and I can say after 3 years...I'm still working and fighting too. I've come to terms with the idea of this being a "forever job". It sure beats being unhealthy though!

Good job on being mindful. I have a feeling you're going to get this and you will be successful!
Best wishes!!!
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