support groups vs. blogs

on 1/26/11 3:06 am
i am in the six month of my supervised diet and last night, attended my first support group meeting. it was a 50-50 split of pre-op and post-op patients, but i was by far the youngest person there. i could relate to very few of their experiences because of where i'm at in life. the bigger issue was that i felt uncomfortable in a support-group setting. i've never one to really discuss my feelings publicly, especially with people i don't know.

blogs and forums like this, however, feel "safer" to me. i've found some great banded bloggers but am looking for more. anyone blogging out there?

and because i'll likely be having my own surgery in early march, i've started my own. lap band/diet/exercise was starting to take over my regular blog, and i didn't want to share my experiences with everyone who had access to that site. this board, however, is a place where i feel safe to share. if you have a minute, check it out. i could use your virtual support :)
on 1/26/11 3:18 am - Mexico
If you are a newbie I have a blog for newbies. Tips on getting through the ins process, etc. Link is in my sig.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
(deactivated member)
on 1/26/11 3:49 am
Hi there,

I've not been able to find a group for banders close to my house, so I mostly do online support.  Thanks for sharing your blog -- that's why I started mine too so that it didn't take over my regular blogs.

I'm popping on over to check yours out. My link is below.

on 1/26/11 10:28 am
I found several blogs to be really helpful when I was in the early stages.  I have links to some of them on my own blog.  If you want, visit my blog:

Good luck to you!

on 1/26/11 10:41 am, edited 1/26/11 10:41 am
 thanks ladies! i've got plenty of great reading material now :)
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