Feeling freaking horrible - complete utter failure!

on 1/24/11 3:28 am
So, I got banded Sept. 15th 2010, only down 10 pounds, 2 fills, 5.5 cc in a 11cc band .. I have NO energy and with my 2.5 yr old running me ragged and with classes I don't know what to do .. anyone got any advice?!
Kate -True Brit
on 1/24/11 3:31 am - UK

Do you have restriction? Many people don't get it until they have more than 5.5cc. And until you do, you are on your own, the band isn't doing much to help you.Do you have another fill lined up?

Are you getting enough protein in and carbohydrates? If you are not eating a balanced diet, energy levels can fall dramatically


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/24/11 3:58 am - New Brighton, MN
I'm sorry youare having such a hard time! I can relate. Sounds like you need a break from the stresses. Can anyone watch your kid for 3-4 hours? HUGS!K
on 1/24/11 4:30 am
I with Kate. You are not a failure. You prob don't have restriction yet, and need a fill. If your aren't eating enough proteins and carbs you will feel run down. Tell us a little more like what you are eating and doing and maybe we can help some.
on 1/24/11 6:06 am - PA

I always feel sad when I read posts like yours, I remember feeling this exact same way but I gained! Once I rec;d the correct restriction I began losing. For me 5.5 cc's is my magic number but we are all different and simply need to find yours. Hugs sent your way and please don't ever feel like a failure with this surgery, you are not.


Lisa O.
on 1/24/11 6:07 am - Snoqualmie, WA
Are you getting in 60-80 g of protein?  Are you taking at least a multi vitamin? Both of these are important for your energy level.

Have you made any changes to what type of foods you are eating or is it pretty much the same stuff you ate before?

Are you eating dense proteins with some veggies as your primary diet?

Do you have any restriction?  Do you have a soft stop when you eat, i.e., watering eyes, runny nose, burping or hiccups?

These are all things I would need answered to offer you any suggestions.  It must be terribly hard to change your eating habits with a family, but remember the changes that you are willing to make that are good for you will be good for your family too.  It really is about health, not appearances.

You can do it and we are here to help!

Don't give up!

Lisa O.

Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



on 1/24/11 6:11 am
This is just something that made a difference for me.  My therapist had me read a book called "Mood Cure"  there is a survey you can take if you go to moodcure.com  I took the survey and found that I was depleted in a bunch of basic amino acids---as soon as I read the book and started taking them my energy and mood changed dramatically.   This weekend I was out of town visiting family and got sloppy about taking the mid-day supplements and guess what---I felt food obsessed and wanted to eat last night.  It was not body hunger----it was head hunger.  I really found that this has made a HUGE difference in my wellbeing.  It made such a difference that I felt I could go ahead with the surgery and feel that I could stick to the foodplan.  I did get the surgery and have done very well at sticking to the foodplan even though I have not yet had a fill (next week).   Be gentle with yourself ---self care is a toughie but you can do it.
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