My experience. A vet's tale!
First of all, this is my experience. There are many more who have had similar experiences but others are less fortunate. For some of the latter, it is because they failed to follow basic "rules", for others it is no fault of their own that things did not work out.
So I am 4 years and 8 months post-op. I reached my goal weight of 165 in a year and then kept going until I reached 145 at just over 15 months post op. Foolishly, I kept going, got too thin and deliberately regained. I now wobble between about 145 and 154. I try to keep to the bottom of the range but am usually closer to the top!
I eat normally. Always have done. While losing I made healthy choices about 80% of the time, while maintaining I don't even think about it! This means that I do put pounds on. I weigh every day and as soon as I go outside my comfort zone, I go back to weight loss mode. As long as I do this immediately, the weight comes off in a week or so. If I get blasee and let it ride as I did last year (27lb gain over the year), it is harder to shift! But I did it and am safely back in my zone!
For a while I worried about this gain/lose/gain/lose cycle. But then I realised that all my slim friends do this! They put on a few pounds, take them off, put a few on etc. So this makes me officially normal (as a 60 year old woman!).
If you ate out with me and didn't know, you would not guess I am banded. You would just think i have a small appetite! The other day, an acquaintance (who never knew me when I was obese) said to me "you are so lucky that you don't have to watch your weight". I said "actually, I do watch it!". But I don't think she believed me! Admittedly I was just eating a second helping of creme brulee! But that isn't something I do often!!! So i suppose even in maintaining mode, I do keep an eye on my intake!
May your journey be as smooth as mine! I did forget to mention I had a leak at 4 1/2 years out - but it was no big deal and easily repaired.
I get picked up and criticised for threads like this. But I make no apologies for being positive. My band has been nothing except positive for me!
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
never apologize for a positive post. Just be thankful, which I know you are. We all go into this process with a positive outlook. It's the only way to go! If and when I have any problems, I will deal with them. I came into this with my eyes wide open. I can only pray that my journey goes as well as yours has Kate. I enjoy your posts as always.
Yeah for positivity!!!
I appreciate it! And I like what someone else said that they just made the decision that once you had the band things had to change because my Tool is doing for me what I could not do by myself!
I am having a rough PMS week but I am still doing pretty damn well!! So thanks for reminding why I am doing this!! and that I CAN do this!!

I am having a rough PMS week but I am still doing pretty damn well!! So thanks for reminding why I am doing this!! and that I CAN do this!!
