Feeling hungry again

on 1/24/11 1:07 pm - blue island, IL
I just had my surgery on 13th and I am feeling hungry again. I find myself eating foods that I should not eat and am getting really scared about it. Like today I fix my daughter some thing to eat and also had me a couple of bites of her food, now I know I should not have eating it but I just could not help my self because I was hungry. My doctor told me that I will feel hungry again until I get my 1st fill and that will not be until Feb. 28th, but I am worried that I will be snacking too much before I get it done. Do anyone have ANY tips for a newbie lap band and did everyone go through this in the beginning?
(deactivated member)
on 1/24/11 2:01 pm - Modesto, CA

You should try really hard to follow the eating directions your surgeon gave you and not eat any solids until the appropriate time.  Right now you are in the healing stage and your stomach really needs this time to heal to set the band in place.  I know it's hard.  Some people say after surgery they weren't hungry for weeks, but I swear to you I was hungry the evening following my surgery! Still, I had to stick with liquids.  You CAN do this.  And be warned, you will probably not feel any restriction after that first fill.  It often takes several to feel decent restriction.  Don't be discouraged or feel badly because you're not the first, nor the last, to eat food before it's time.  You just need to be careful and follow the directions given you.  What stage are you at now?  Are you on mushies or soft foods?  Some of those can be very satisfying and keep you from being hungry.  It's not really about dieting right now, it's about healing.

Good luck, you'll do great!

on 1/24/11 2:38 pm - blue island, IL


    For the first week I was not hungry but now I am all most 2 weeks in and the feeling is coming back strong. I am on mushie food right now, then after two week I will be on soft foods. I have been trying to stick with what the doctors been telling me to eat just finding it very hard to do so. 

    Thanks Cat!!

Kate -True Brit
on 1/24/11 4:28 pm - UK

It is very hard for many people at this stage. But, as Cat says, eating the correct foods post-op is essential. it is not about weight loss but about keeping your band! Research has shown that eating solids too early is one of the causes of slips later on. The sutures need to not only heal but to become embedded in scar tissue before we put the strain of digestion on the stomach.

My only tip - don' t worry about losingg weight at this stage. If you are hungry and going to eat the wrong thing - eat something suitable! So have an extra shake, or an extra bowl of mushy food or whatever is allowed. It won't add enormous numbers of calories and even if you take in more than you would like , this is the healing time not the losing time.


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/26/11 1:55 am - OK
I know exactly how you feel. I'm 3 weeks post op and was hungry from day one. This is a really hard time, I have absolutely no restriction. So far I haven't done so well. But took Kate's advice and just ate extra helpings of the things i could eat. Also, I'm trying to make sure I have a plan for what I am going to eat at every meal and started a nurtition journal.
Thanks for your post, it's nice to know there's someone going through the same thing.
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