new here..consult in feb

on 1/24/11 1:02 pm - NJ
hello...i'm new here and looking for some information. i've been overweight pretty much since i've been 12 or 13. tried dozens of weight loss, weight comes off way too slow and not like it should. relative of mine had gastric bypass and has done well except for awhile she needed b12 supplements

i have my first consult in february i have wanted weight loss surgery for about 2 years now but did not have health insurance up until recently. my primary care doctor thinks it's a good idea and that i'm a good candidate for it. i want to opt for lapband primarily because i'm afraid of the complications with RNY and the fear of dying lol. stupid i know. also the biggest thing for me with RNY i have heard is 3 weeks before you can return to work(which i cannot do) and lap band is 7-10 days. i am sure this post is gonna cause problems between those who chose RNY and those who chose lap band. in the end ultimately it is what is best for me but those who have had RNY and lap band how long did it take you to get back to a normal schedule/routing and return to work?
Kate -True Brit
on 1/24/11 4:37 pm - UK

I took a week, then it happened to be near a holiday so I got an extra few days - but i could have gone back at the end of the week. I have a very active job as the teacher of teenagers with learning and behaviour difficulties and so am never still! I avoided anything like physical restraints for a month or so. If I had had a desk job, i could have gone back after about 5 days. I would have been too tired before that .

But some people need much longer.

Hopefully this thread will get answers from people answering the Q you asked and not degnerate into a fight! Sometimes we are lucky but be prepared for evangelists leaping in to tell you the band is the work of the devil! And have you really thought about this!!! I'll pay you the compliment of assuming you have!

But they won't be RNY people!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 1/24/11 8:23 pm - MI
I agree, the time you will need to recover is different for everyone. I also have a desk job and could return to work within a week. If your job involving lifting you will definitely want to take more time. The pain is also different for everyone, I required no pain meds once I came home, while others do feel pain a little longer. Best of luck and don't let the anyone talk you into something you are uncomfortable with. Doing your own research is the best advice I can give you.
MaMa M

on 1/25/11 1:31 am - China Grove, NC
I am a homemaker but I got up the next morning ....slowly and with help ....LOL and got my kids off to school. I agree with the girls so far  if you have a pretty laid back job you may be good after a week or so if it requires anything physical you may want to plan for more time. Also maybe do some half days to work your way back in. You will get tired quickly so keep that in mind ! Good luck on your journey  and remember it does not matter which "route" we choose .So choose the one the best suits you! :)

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