??? Gall bladder vets???

Hi Hislady, I was exhausted and sick, I never knew where I'd be when I'd get an attack and it seemed like I just wanted to be in bed. My husband said he just wanted me to be better. It took a while to get them to see it was my gall-bladder. I showed my bariatric doctor my test that they had sent me around getting, (one doctor even told me it was from taking half a motrin). My doctor looked at the cd's and said he was going to take out my gall-bladder. YAY!! I was in little to no pain after, just groggy for a couple of days. It gave me my life back, and I'm going strong again. I had gotten used to feeeling bad everyday that just a few days after I felt like superwoman!! Good Luck!
Debbie : )
July 19th at 1 am the pain woke me up, tried taking maalox, it didn't help so I called 24 hr consulting nurse, they told me to come in, I didnt come in right away and tried to go back to sleep, I couldn't sleep so I just gave up and drove myself to Urgent Care. I told the dr. I suspected it was gallstones, an she agreed so had to wait a few hours for ultrasound techs, to come in.... sure enuf it was the gallstones and had the surgery a few hours later and went home at 7 pm that night so I spent 15 hours there.
I haven't had any issues since then!
Call hyour surgeon and ask for an ultrasound.
Good luck!
Sorry to heard that.
In my case I just had my gallbladder surgery 3 weeks ago, and I only took one week off from work, and and the second week it was just light duty. I didn't had stones my problem was the slush.The only thing that I did experienced after the surgery was, that my stomach was hurting so bad, not my side but my stomach. my Dr. didn't know why .But the pain was similar to the band surgery. I was not able to eat or drink that much the first 24 hrs. because of the nausea. I think some of the gas from the surgery went inside my stomach. I am so lucky because the same team who did my band surgery also did my gallbladder surgery, am so happy for that.
The recovery time is similar to the band, and is better if you lap band Dr. is the one following this.
Hope you feel better.